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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


Views: 958

FOLKLORE AND MASS MEDIA. To preserve, develop, promote and popularize ethnic values, traditions and folklore of peoples in Bashkortostan, mass media covers different folklore events, press materials about folklore of RB peoples. Printed media is published in the Bashkir, Russian, Tatar, Chuvash, Mari, Udmurt languages; they have the most popular editions with the biggest audience, which reflect folklore materials: “Yenshishme” newspaper, “Agidel”, “Akbuzat”, “Amanat”, “Bashkortostan kyzy” (Bashk.), “Belskiye prostory” (Rus.), “Alluki”, “Tulpar” (Tat.), “Ural sassi” (Chuvash.) magazines, “Republic of Bashkortostan” (Rus.), “Oshmes” (Chuvash), “Cholman” (Mar.) newspapers. “Bashkortostan ukytyusykhy” is a multilingual journal (Bashk., Rus, Tat., Mari, Chuvash, Eng., Germ., French). Bashkir television presents Baik, “Bakhetname”, “Bashkort yiry”, “Mystical Bashkortostan”, “Ornament”, “Khazina” broadcasts, “Bauyrkhak”, “Sengeldek”, “Ethnolike”, “It’s me” and other programs for children dedicated to ethnic dances, songs, traditions and customs, holidays, ethnic dishes, jewelry, decorations, clands of sport, folklore genres, etc.; there are many animated movies, such as “Ural-batyr”, “Zukhra and a month”, “Kamyr-batyr”, etc. filmed based on the motifs of Bashkir same-titled folklore works. Belarusian, Mari, Mordovian, Russian, Tatar, Udmurt, Ukrainian, Chuvash and other folklore are represented by the following broadcasts: “Peoples of Bashkortostan”, “Granny’s chest”, “Open up, soul!”, etc.

“Yuldash” radio station presents “Rukhiyat”, “Taste of life”, “Ataysal” and other broadcasts; “Ashkadar” radio station presents the following broadcasts: “Ethnic pearls”, “Treasure”, “Fairytale truth”, etc. “YouTube” video hosting contains different folklore materials dedicated to holidays, contests and festivals, ethnic songs, storytellers, etc., e.g. the channel of S.R. Surina, honored RB culture worker, which is devoted to people and communities, whose activities are connected with folklore, epics, decorative arts and crafts etc.; “Bashkurd” channel is devoted to certain customs, house decorations, ethnic holidays, art, folklore, etc. Cossack holiday was filmed in 2019 in Kumertau by Russian center “Play, garmon!” n.a. G. Zavoloclan, etc.

Publication date: 16.07.2021
Last updated: 16.07.2021