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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

KHUSAINOV Abubakir Davletkulovich

Views: 1471

KHUSAINOV Abubakir Davletkulovich (1.6.1859–8.8.1937), kuray player, educator, religious figure. Participant of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877–78. Kh. is a provider and collector of Bashkir folklore (recorded more than 300 ethnic songs), performed Bashkir folk songs (about 50 songs in the repertoire), played the kuray skillfully. In the 1920s-30s, he was chairman of the commission of competitions of folk singers and kuray players of the Bashkir Trans-Urals “Irandyk-Sakmar”. K.M. Diyarov, G.Z. Suleymanov, M.N. Kadyrgulov (honored worker of culture of BASSR) are among his disciples. A participant of the all-Russian agricultural and handicraft-industrial exhibition (Moscow, 1923), where he presented the traditional Bashkir summer yard, treated them to kumis while playing the kuray, introduced them to the Bashkir music.

Publication date: 21.07.2021
Last updated: 20.08.2021