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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

YULDYBAYEVA Gulnar Vildanovna

Views: 1414

YULDYBAYEVA Gulnar Vildanovna (b.28.12. 1976, Saitbaba village, Gafuriyskiy district, BASSR), folklorist. Candidate of Philology (2006). Graduated from BSU (1999). Scientific activity aims to study poetics of Bashkir epics, condition of modern Bashkir folklore. Wrote and compiled “Modern folklore of the Bashkirs from Northern Bashkortostan” (2008), participated in writing the “Modern condition of Bashkir folklore” (2012; together with G.R. Khusainova), “Bashkir bayt “Sak and Suk” (texts and researches)” (2018; together with G.S. Khanova) books, etc. Prepared a facsimile archive source of Ural-batyr(2014) epic to be published. One of the translators of Kyrgyz heroic epic “Manas” (2016), Yakut heroic epic “Olonkho” (2019) into the Bashkir language. He is an author of more than 250 scientific papers.

Publication date: 26.07.2021
Last updated: 26.07.2021