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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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AKBUZAT, a hippodrome in RB named after T. T. Kusimov, GUP. Established  in Ufa in 1982, it was named after T.T.Kusimov in 2009. The course includes a jump racing track — 1144 m, a flat racing track — 1000 m, a technical track — 950 m, and a training track — 893 m), 2 dressage fields, warm-up and horse-jumping circuits, roofed (for 1620 seats) and open (for 1540 seats) stands, the judge’s room, a gambling station, 3 stables (for 108 horses) and a 3-storey stable (for 70 horses), a riding arena (60x30 m) with stands for 680 seats, 3 digital electronic scoreboards, a Guest House, etc. There’s also the Republican Olympic Reserve Sports School for Equestrian Sports and Modern Pentathlon, a Horse Breeding Museum and the Museum of Equestrian Sports of the RB. The All-Union (1983) and All-Russia (2001, 2004, 2007) Equestrian Competitions, the Europe Eventing Mini-Championship (1995), the European Eventing Championship for Young Riders and Juniors (2011), the International Eventing Championship for Riders of the SCO and BRICS Countries (2015) were held at hippodrome. Four all-Union (in the group of Orlov roadster breed horses) and about 200 republican records were set, and more than 4 thous. breeding horses gained a qualification at A. in 1982—2005. In 1984, 1986, 1990, 2001—05 A. was recognized as the best hippodrome in Russia by the all-Russia Federation of Equestrian Sports.

Publication date: 27.02.2020
Last updated: 07.11.2024