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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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PEOPLE’S ASSEMBLY OF THE RB, public organization established to preserve and strengthen international harmony in the RB and the Russian Federation. Located in Ufa. Founded in June 2000, by the World Kurultay (Congress) of Bashkirs, Russians Assembly of Bashkortostan, Tatars Congress of Bashkortostan and other national and cultural associations. Division of the  Assembly of  Peoples  of Russia. There are councils of P.A. in the RB raions and cities. The following are the main directions of its activity: promotion of the national and social economic policy of the RB, strengthening of Bashkortostan’s legal position as part of the RF, preservation of the peoples of the RB cultural heritage and spiritual development; development of ties with the Bashkir diasporas, etc. In total, there were three congresses of the P.A. (2000, 2009, and 2015). The Republican scientific and practical conf., holidays and other events dedicated to national and cultural communication of the RB peoples are systematically organized by the P.A.   

Publication date: 04.03.2020
Last updated: 04.03.2020