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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


Views: 642

THE RIDER ON A GOLDEN HORSE, a feature film. Made in 1980 at the Mosfilm Film Studio (script by V.S.Vitkovich, directing by V.N.Zhuravlyov, operations by N.I.Bol­shakov, composition by R.M.Khasanov and Yu.A.Yakushev). The cast: F.S.Gafarov (Altynduga), I.V.Malysheva (Ai), I.Kh. Yumagulov (Kuser­murza), Kh.I.Kudashev (Kusmes­biy), N.F.Agapova (Myasekai), P.P.Glebov (Katil­badsha), T.D.Babicheva (Gulbika) and others. The filming took place in the Selo Sermenevo of Beloretsky Raion of the BASSR.

The plot is based on the enmity between various Bashkir tribes, which leads to the separation of two lovers named Altynduga and Ai, who are now forced to fight for their love.

Publication date: 18.05.2020
Last updated: 18.05.2020