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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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VUKOLOV-ERLIK (Vukolov) Filip Nikolayevich

VUKOLOV-ERLIK (Vukolov) Filip Nikolayevich (18.11.1904–28.7.1979), writer, folk­lorist. V.–E. collected more than 400 Chuvash folk songs, proverbs and sayings, recorded the beyet “Kazan Besieged”, included in the scien­ tific code “Chuvash Folk Art”. In 1949–48, 1960–63, he went to the Bizhbulyaksky...


WICHMANN Yrjö (8.9.1868–3.5.1932), Finnish linguist, folklorist. Doctor of Philosophy (1897). In 1891–92 and 1894, he collected folklore and dialectological materials among the Udmurts of Vyatskaya and Ufimskaya gu­berniyas (provinces) and other regions of Rus­ sia. V.’s materials on Udmurt folklore...


“WIEDERGEBURT” (“Revival”),  a  c u l t u r a l   a n d    e d u c a t i o n a l   U n i o n  o f  t h e G e r m a n s  o f  B a s h ­ k o r t o s t a n, a NGO established in Ufa in 1989. It operates Sunday schools in Ufa and Meleuz, the German youth club “Yuvel”, lan­ guage courses for children and...


WORLD FOLKLORIADA, festival. The organizer is the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts (CIOFF®). The idea of holding it was proposed in 1991 by the representative of Israel, Sh. Bi­alik and was adopted by the General Assembly in 1993 in Dublin (Ireland). It is held...


WORLD KURULTAY (CONGRESS) OF BASHKIRS    i s    a n    i n t e r n a t i o n a l  u n i o n  o f  s o c i a l  a s s o c i a t i o n s. Founded in 1995 in Ufa to consolidate and re­vive the Bashkir nation. The main activities: to implement and protect political, economic, eco­logical, social, cultural...


“XIMEROMA” (“Break of Day”), G r e e k  c o m m u n i t y  i n  B a s h k o r t o s t a n, an NGO established in Ufa in 2011. A member of the Association of Russian Greek Non­Governmental Organizations. The public lecture center is held at the National Library named after A.­-Z. Valedi. The lecture...


YAIK is a character of the “Ural-batyr” epic, the eldest son of Ural-batyr, born by Katil’s daughter. His mother sends him to Ural-batyr and gives him 4 batyrs revived by living water to be his company. Y., his brothers and their father defeat Kakhkakha, Shulgan and their adherents. He carves the mouth...


“YALSYGUL”, Bashkir ethnic song, kyska-kuy. The song was registered by L.N. Lebedinskiy from I.S. Dilmukhametov in 1939 and published in the “Bashkort khalk yirdary” collection by G.Z. Suleymanov. It is an optimistic song of a worker called Yalsygul. “Y.” melody is based on a major pentatonic and resembles...

YAMALETDINOV Mavletbay Baygildeevich

YAMALETDINOV Mavletbay Baygildeevich (b. 5.3.1947), writer, translator, kuraist. Folk sesen (2018). Ya’s repertoire includes the classical pieces uzun-kui, kubairs. Author of the novel “The Circle” (2006), devoted to Kubagush-sesen. Based on Old -Turkic written sources, Ya. created a dastan (epic) “Kul-Tegin”;...


“YAMANTAU” (“Ominous mountain”, “The evil mountain”),    Bashkir      ethnic      song, uzun-kuy. It was registered by N.D. Shunkarov from Mugalim Mirkhaydarov in 1960 in Askarovo village, Abzelilovskiy District BASSR and published in the “Bashkir ethnic art. Songs.” collection (1st book, 1974). The...


YARYMTYK (from Bashkir yarym – “a half”) is a demon in Bashkir mythology. Bylichkis about Y. mainly exist in the Northern and North-Western Bashkir art. According to some beliefs, it appears to people and has one eye and one leg. According to legends and beliefs, Y. likes to ride a horse. People should...


“YATAGAN” a n e t h n i c b a n d. Formed in 2014 in Ufa. I.A. Shakirov is the founder and head of the band. In his work he combines musical instruments and techniques typical of folk and world music. The repertoire includes Bashkir ethnic songs and tunes “Alpamysha”, “Black Pacer”, “Igbirdin”, “Bay...

YEGOROV Nikolay Ivanovich

YEGOROV Nikolay Ivanovich (b. 20.2.1949), turkologist and linguist. Doctor of Philology (1992). His research papers are devoted to his­ torical Chuvash lexicology, onomastics, dialectology, folklore, mythology, calendar holidays, and ceremonies. Author of more than 400 re­search papers. One of the authors...


“YEK-MERGEN”, a monument of Bashkir literature, epos. It is registered by F. Valiev in the beginning of the 20th c. (the handwritten variant did not survive to the present day). It was first published in “An” magazine, Kazan, 1916. The epos is prosaic. The dominant theme and idea relate to the series...


YIYIN, 1) the Bashkir people’s assembly; a self­governing body of a tribe or clan. There were territorial and general Y. to which they invited  representatives of all  tribes  and  clans, darugs, and volosts, where economic, political, social,  administrative,  and  territorial  issues would be resolved....


“YNYIKAY AND YULDYKAY”, Bashkir ethnic song, khalmak-kuy. The song and the legend were registered by S.G. Rybakov in 1894 from Abdrakhman Davletov in Sultanovskaya minery of Orskiy District of Orenburgskaya region (current Baymakskiy District, RB) and published in “Music and songs of the Ural Muslims...


YOUTH GAMES are mass entertaining activities during ethnic celebrations that include reading fortunes, ethnic games, sledging, ethnic dances, bean-feasts, wearing costumes, round dances and others. Young people used to participate in collecting foods, prizes, kolyadovaniye as well as to organizing  games...


YUKHA, is an evil demon in Bashkir mythology. It appears in bylichkas, fairytales, such as “Yukha”, “Yulbat”, prose version of “Ural-batyr version etc.According to belief, a 500-1000-year-old azhdakha turns into Y. (azhdakha usually does not reach the age of Y. as it could take him to Kaf-tau mountain)....


“YULAY and SALAVAT”, a monument of Bashkir literature, epic. It has poetic and prose form. Was registered in the beginning of the 20th c. by M.A. Burangulov from Gabit-sesen. The main theme is the struggle of Bashkir people against national and colonial oppression. The epic has 2 chronologically arranged...

YULDASHEV Robert Nazhipovich

YULDASHEV Robert Nazhipovich (b.9.7. 1971, Ufa), quaray player. National artist of RB (2012) Graduated from USIA (2000). Organized the quaray ensemble in Orenburgskaya region, Gafuriyskiy district, RB. Founded and headed “Kuraysy” ethnic band (since 2006). He is a master of virtuous techniques of kuray,...