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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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ENCYCLOPAEDIAS, scientific, popular scientific or popular reference publications on paper and electronic media. E. represent a systematized set of knowledge, contain basic information on individual or all branches of science and practical activity, set out in the form of short articles, arranged in...


ENDEMICS, the species, phylia and other animal and plant taxons that inhabit specific, relatively limited territory. More than 110 species of endemic higher vascular plants grow in the RB, out of which 19 are apomictic difficult to be distinguished “microspecies” of the lady’s mantle phylum. In the...


ENDEMICS, the species, phylia and other animal and plant taxons that inhabit specific, relatively limited territory. More than 110 species of endemic higher vascular plants grow in the RB, out of which 19 are apomictic difficult to be distinguished “microspecies” of the lady’s mantle phylum. In the...


ENGINEERING BOARDING LYCEUM, a Republican secondary general education institution with advanced study of physical, mathematical, chemical and socio-economic disciplines. Founded in 1992 in Ufa by the agreement of the Ministry of Education of the RB and the Serkhat Turkish Firm with the name of Bashk....

ENIKEYEV  Gaysa  Khamidullovich

ENIKEYEV  Gaysa  Khamidullovich  (2.7.1864–March 1931), Deputy of the 3rd (1907– 12) and 4th (1912–17) State Duma. In 1883–93, he collected works of musical folklore of Bash­ kirs and Tatars, recorded about 500 songs. The compiler of the manuscript “Ancient Bashkir and Tatar song” (known as “Collection...


ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITY, an individual independent economic activity of a person or group of people aimed at obtaining profit or personal income. Helps to meet the needs of population in goods and services, and to create new jobs. It also improves territorial and sectoral structure of the economy and...


EPIC B a s h k i r, folklore is a heroic narrative about the past. It tells about the whole picture of ethnic life and harmonious unity of the world and heroes. The main sources for the E. formation are myths, stories about the first ancestors (see also Cultural hero). Epics were classified by Kirey...


EPIC, a genre of the Bashk. folklore and folk literature. A narrative which could exists in different forms: poetic, prosaic, and mixed (poetic and prosaic). One of the oldest genres of folk poetry. E. reflects the people’s ideas about nature and life, their beliefs and customs. The Bashk. epic is distinguished...


EQUESTRIAN SPORTS, equestrian competitions. In Bashkortostan, the Е.s. started its rapid development when the hippodrome was founded in Ufa in 1891. The first harness racing was held in 1892. An Е.s. school was established at the Bayramgulovsky state farm, Uchalinsky raion, the BASSR in 1970. An Е.s....


“ERVEL MARIY”     (“Eastern    Mari”) M a r i   e t h n i c   c u l t u r a l   a u t o n o m y i n B a s h k o r t o s t a n, a NGO established in Ufa in 1989. Has branches and departments in local Mari communities. Annually holds the Inter-Regional Eastern Mari ethnic dance contest “Silver Cord”,...


ETHNIC CULTURAL CENTER OF KRYASHENS i n B a s h k o r t o s t a n, a NGO established in Bakaly, Bakalinskiy District, Bashkortostan in 1998. A part of the Union of Kryashens Ethnic Cultural Centers of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Udmurtia. Rural ethnic cultural centers are present in settlements with Kryashen...


ETHNIC CULTURAL CENTERS, NGOs. Established in Bashkortostan in accordance with Russian laws “Concerning Non-Governmental Organizations” (1995), “Concerning Non-Profit Organizations” (1995), etc. There are more than 40 NGOs (2019): Azeri Ethnic Cultural Center, “Ak Bata”, “Ala-Too”, “Wiedergeburt”, “Revival”,...


ETHNIC DANCE is a folklore dance performed in its natural environment. It has certain traditional moves, beat, costumes, etc. The Bashkir E.d. reflect some peculiarities of labor activities, different customs and beliefs, imaginative perception of nature, the habits of animals and birds. The dances...


ETHNIC DRAMA is a folklore theatrical performance which does not have a fixed text as its basis and exists in stage form. Its origin re­ lates to the dramatic elements of ritual folklore, ethnic games, minstrel’s, joker’s, buffoon’s, se­ sen’s art, etc. It has prose and poetic forms. E.d. can be characterized...


ETHNIC GAMES are historically estab‑ lished  activities  (amusements,  shows,  larks, sport, dancing, singing and other contests) of entertaining  nature,  which  reflect  traditional worldview, beliefs, customs, folklore develop‑ ment, social relations and household of people. E.g. aim to foster and...


ETHNIC GROUPS of Bashkirs, territorially isolated parts of ethnos, having peculiarities in the traditional culture, language and preserving ethnic identity. In the territory of the Volgo‑Ural historical‑ethnographic region, there are E.g. of Trans-Ural, Irgiz‑Kamelik, Kama‑Ik, Orenburg and Perm Bashkirs....


ETHNIC MUSIC i s  m u s i c a l  f o l k l o r e, vocal and instrumental art of people. Traditionally it exists in oral and written forms, it is transferred from one generation to another. The main feature of E.m. is that its traditions are preserved. They include anonymity, syncretic connection with...


ETHNIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Modern field research notes that traditional musical instruments of people of Bashkortostan has preserved their peculiarities and keep developing: Detailed descriptions of the harmonica appeared in 1985 in different constructive and national variants, then the dumbyra was...


ETHNOGENESIS OF BASHKIRS, the process of the emergence and development of ethnic affinity; the initial phase of ethnic history of the ethnos. In ethnology, based on the materials on archaeography, archaeology, anthropology, comparative historical linguistics, etc, the Finno‑Ugric and Turkic theories...


ETHNOGRAPHIC COLLECTIONS of Bashkirs, include the objects of ethnos’ material culture and its local variants of ethnographic groups. The E.c. of Bashkirs were established during the Academic Expeditions of 1768 — 74, ethnographic expeditions, by scientists of the 18th — 21st centuries. At the Russian...