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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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MYTHS (from Greek mythos – fable, narrative) is the form of integrated mass experience and interpretation of reality by means of sensory-visual images that are considered to be independent phenomena in reality; a main way to understand the world in ancient society. M. has specific features, such as...


“MYTHOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE  BASHKIR  LANGUAGE”,  Bashkir-Russian dictionary of mythological vocabulary (Moscow, 2010). Compiled by F.G. Khisamitdinova. The dictionary includes about 5,000 words and phrases related to Bashkir mythology. The publication is a synthesis of mythological and explanatory...

MIRKHAYDAROV Mugallyam Shaykhattarovich

MIRKHAYDAROV Mugallyam Shaykhattarovich (18.2.1900–26.3.1974), teacher, poet, folklorist. A participant of the Civil War. M. collected the works of the Bashkir folklore: “Miney-Batyr and Tsar Shulgen”, aitysh “Khan’s daughter”, baits “We were thirty-two girls”, “Goat with a belt”,...

MIRBADALEVA Adelma Sabirovna

MIRBADALEVA Adelma Sabirovna (b.5.10. 1932, Moscow), folklorist. Doctor of Philology (1995). Graduated from MSU (1956). She studied and published scientific papers about epic monuments of Turkic-speaking peoples. Author of more than 30 scientific papers.


“MIRAS” (Heritage), folk song and dance ensemble. Created in 1992 in Ufa as a dance ensemble. Founder and first art director was G.V.Anishchenko. In 2007, the ensemble added a choir, and in 2009 – a troupe of Russian folk dance Zabava. The repertoire of the vocal and choreographic     compositions...


“MINEY ­BATYR AND TSAR SHULGEN”, a monument to Bashkir literature, epos. The epos was registered from sesen M.S. Mirkhaydarov’s   private   archive.   He   was   born   in Askarovo the First village, Verkhneuralskiy District, Orenburg region (Askarovo village, Abzelilovskiy Disctrict,...

MINNULLIN Kim Mugallimovich

MINNULLIN Kim Mugallimovich (b. 4.1. 1959), literary critic, folklorist. Corresponding member of the AS RT (2008), Doctor of Philology (2002), Professor (2006). Research is connected with the study of Tatar song poetry, poetics, and typology of Tatar folklore. M. also used folklore materials recorded...

MINNIYAKHMETOVA Tatyana Gilniyakhmetovna

MINNIYAKHMETOVA Tatyana Gilniyakhmetovna (b.3.1.1961), folklorist, ethnographer. Candidate of History (1996), Doctor of Philosophy (Hungary, 2003). Her research is devoted to folklore and ethnography of the Udmurts, as well as Bashkirs, Mari, Tatars, Estonians of Bashkortostan, development of methods...

MINGAZHITDINOVA Mavzifa Magafurovna

MINGAZHITDINOVA Mavzifa Magafurovna (6.9.1901–14.3.1989), a storyteller. She was a connoisseur of Bashkir oral folk art and skilled with words. In the 1960s, M. conveyed to M. Kh. Mingazhitdinov about 30 fairy tales; some of them are included in the set “Bashkort Khalyk Izhady”. The song “Goodbye,...

MINGAZHITDINOV Marat Khalyafovich

MINGAZHITDINOV Marat Khalyafovich (18.5.1934–2.7.1972), literary critic, folklorist. Candidate of Philology (1964). His research is devoted to the study of epic genres of Bashkir folklore, folklore relationships, the study of the works of Kh. A. Davletshina, Nazar Nadzhmi, and other Bashkir writers....


“MILYASH”(“Rowan”) is a folklore ensemble of Cultural-leisure center, Abzelilovskiy district, RB. It was created in 2001, received the “national” title in 2003, “Best folklore ensemble of RB” title in 2006, “Honored collective of ethnic art of RF” in 2018. Its repertoire includes...


MESAROSH Dyula (28.3.1883–1957), ethnographer, orientalist, folklorist. Doctor of Turkic-Tatar Philology (1909). His research is associated with the study of folklore, languages, and ethnography of the peoples of the Ural-Volga region, including the Bashkirs. M. studied the problems of ethnogenetic...


“MELODY OF FRIENDSHIP”  (“Duslyk mono”)  i s   a   F.  K u d a s h e v a    i n t e r n a t i o n a l   c o m p e t i t i o n   o f  p e r f o r m e r s  o f   B a s h k i r   a n d  T a t a r s o n g s. It has been held since 1991 in Neftekamsk in order to develop and enrich...


MASLENITSA is a calendar holiday consisting of ritual cycles dedicated to the end of winter and coming spring. Its origin is connected to the pagan traditions of praying to deities and natural powers (see Earth-Water, Zoroastrianism). It correlates with the Solar calendar and is celebrated throughout...


“MARYANA”, folk and pop ensemble of the Sterlitamak branch of Bashkir State University. It was formed in 1994. In 2003, it earned the title “People’s.” I.E. Karpukhin contributed to the formation of the team. The repertoire includes Russian folk songs “Goryana,” “Down the bridge we walked,”...


MARI  FOLKLORE in Bashkortostan has variety of genres: riddles, signs, proverbs, and idioms, fairytales about animals, magic and everyday life, bylichkas, spells and incantations as well as lore, legends, ceremonies and other songs, ethnic dramas, etc. The study of M.f. was started in the 19th c....


MARI HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CENTER o f  t h e  R B, a public organization, branch of the House of Peoples’ Friendship. Established in 2003 in the village Mishkino of Mishkinsky district of the RB in order to safeguard the native language, traditions, customs, identity, folklore, of the Mari, and...


MARI ETHNIC SONG of the republic can be divided into chastushkas, ceremonial songs, etc. The collection published by Finnish scientist A. Genetz (in 1887 and 1895, the 2nd collection was published by Finnish scientist V. Porkk) includes more than 100 songs of Maris from the east of the republic. In...


“MANZHUR”, Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. A song is lyro-dramatic. The original work of “M.”, named after Manchuria (China), is connected with events which took place during the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905. Supposedly the song was composed by the war participant Ramazan Yarmukhametov known...


MINOR HUMOROUS GENRES, include an anecdote, an anecdote-riddle, a fable lakap idioms, nebylitsa story, repetitive tales, jokes, foster rhymes, bywords, pleasantries. Anecdote is a folklore genre, a short joke prose story with an unexpected and paradoxical ending. A. satirizes different bad traits of...