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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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LEBEDINSKIY Lev Nikolayevich

LEBEDINSKIY Lev Nikolayevich (5.11. 1904–21.11.1992), musicologist, folklorist. His research papers are devoted to the musical folklore of the peoples of the USSR, the works of domestic composers, theoretical problems of musical performance, etc. He made a significant contribution to the collection...


“LAYSAN”, folk dance ensemble at Uchaly Mining and Processing Plant. It was created in 1964 at the culture house of the state farm “Bayramgulovskiy”; it has had its current status since 2005. In 1972, it earned the title “People’s”; in 2013, it became an honored folk­art team of the Russian Federation....


LATVIAN HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CENTER, public organization, branch of the House of Peoples’ Friendship. It was created  in  2006  in  the  village Maxim Gorky in Arkhangelsky district of the RB in order to safeguard and develop the native language and literature, folklore, customs and traditions of...


LAMENTATION is a genre of family-household ritual  folklore  performed  usually  when a person is departing this life and at his funeral. It is also performed during a rite of passage (seeing off a bride, a soldier, etc.; see Laments). Its origin is connected with the magic of laments, ritual collective...


LAMENT is a genre of family-household ritual  folklore,  performed  when  a  person  is leaving the native house. It exists in folklore of many peoples. Its origin and functions are close to the genre of lamentation. There are wedding, funeral-commemoration L. connected with the ancient beliefs of peoples....

LACH Robert

LACH Robert (29.1.1874–11.9.1958), musicologist, composer. His research papers are devoted to comparative musicology, music history, ethnomusicology, and psychology. Author of “Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft” (1924), “Studien zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der ornamentalen Melopöie” (1913), etc. During...


KYSKA‑KYUY (literally – a short tune), in the Bashk. music folklore refers to a melodic style; a genre of the Bashkir folk music. For the first time, the term was introduced by S.G. Rybakov, the first samples of K. k. were published in his The Music and Songs of Ural Muslims with an Essay of Their Everyday...


KYL‑KUBYZ, a Bashkir stringed bowed folk  musical  instrument.  An  oblong-­shaped body made of a single piece of birch (hollowed) is connected to the neck, which has a curly head with stakes. In ancient times, the tool was made entirely from a single piece of wood. The length is about 650–800 mm; the...


“KUZYIKURPYAS AND MAYANKHYLU” (Kuzyikurpyas menen Mayankhylu), a mo­numental epic work of Bashkir literature. Written in a combined poetic and prosaic form. Recorded by S.Galimov from Ummugulsum Galimova, his mother, in Derevnya Taskino of Chelyab. Obl. in 1938. The plot is based on the love story between...

KUZEYEV Rail Gumerovich

KUZEYEV Rail Gumerovich [10.1.1929, Derevnya Aminevo of the Ufimsky Canton of the BASSR (Chishminsky Raion of the RB) – 2.8.2005, Ufa], Ethnologist, Historian. Associate Member of the RAS (1991), Academic of the AS RB (1991). Dr.Sci (History, 1971), Full Professor (1972). Between 1950–51 and between...


“KUTUZOV”, Bashkir ethnic march song. The origin of the song is connected with military cooperation of the Bashkirs and Russians during the War of 1812. The song is named after Kutuzov, a warlord. The warlord in the song epitomizes the power of Russia, its invincibility; the great warlord and the warriors,...


KURAY, a Bashkir wind instrument. It is made from the stem of the Ural rib­bearing plant. It is a tube 570–810 mm long and about 20 mm in diameter with 5 holes (4 holes on the front, 1 on the back). The main scale is diatonic; the range is about 3 octaves. The sound occurs when one blows air into the...


KUNGYR‑BUGA, a monumental epic work of Bashkir literature. Written in a combined poetic and prosaic form. First recorded by R.G. Ignatyev and published in 1865 in the Orenburgskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti magazine. Various versions of the epic poem under the same name are recorded by M.A. Burangulov,...


“KULUY‑CANTON”,  “K o l i y -­ c a n t o n”, Bashkir ethnic song, uzun­-kuy. First registered in the 1920s (the author is unknown), published in several variants in the magazine called “Soviet music” (1951, № 3). The song is lyro­dramatic. Named after Mukhametkuluy Kuchukov, the head of a canton. The...

KULUMBETOV Valiulla Faizullovich

KULUMBETOV Valiulla Faizullovich (1881–1964), poet­-improviser. He collected the samples of Bashkir folklore, historical, and ethnographic materials. K. recorded the legend “The Song of Salavat to His Wife”, the kubair “With Pugachev’s army he merged...” by Salavat Yulayev etc, as well as poems by M....

KULSARINA Irena Galinurovna

KULSARINA Irena Galinurovna (b. 22.6. 1974), philologist. Candidate of Philology (2002). Her research is devoted to the study of Bashkir­ Russian folklore and literary relationships, principles and forms of the artistic representation of the image of Bashkortostan in the works of Russian writers of...

KULSARINA Gulnur Galinurovna

KULSARINA Gulnur Galinurovna (b. 19.10. 1977). Doctor of Philology (2018). Her research is devoted to the study of the language of Bashkir folklore, semantic reconstruction of the ethnic world view, the system of its values based on linguistic analysis of folklore texts. Author of more than 150 research...


“KUDYRONGYR” (“Primrose”) is the Mari folklore ensemble of Arlanovskiy RHC, Krasnokamenskiy district, RB. It was organized in 2004, in 2012 it received the title “national”. I.I. Italyeva, honored artist  of  the  Republic of Mari­-El and RB, is the art­director of the ensemble. Repertoir of “K.” includes...


KUBYZ, a Bashkir self­sounding reed musical instrument. Made of metal or wood (rarely bone), about 8 cm long. Metal K. is a horseshoe with tapering ends. The middle holds a thin steel reed with a curved end; a wooden one holds a rectangular plate made of birch or maple with a reed cut in it. When playing...


KUBAIR,  1)  is  a  glorifying  song  (from Bashkir “koba” – excellent, glorified and “yir” – song); 2) is a clan’s or tribe’s song, is an equivalent of “heroic song” or “heroic epic” terms. K. poetry has 7th meter structure. The stanzas vary from 4 to 30 or more lines with pair or mixed rhyme. The...