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Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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MIRZADZHANZADE, Azat Khalilovich

MIRZADZHANZADE, Azat Khalilovich (29.9.1928, Baku — 17.7.2006, Ibid.), Mining Engineer. Acad. of the AS of the Azerb. SSR (1968), Merited Acad. of the AS RB (1991), Dr. of Engineering (1957), Full Professor (1959). Merited Scientist and Engineer of the Azerb. SSR (1970), Merited Oil Worker of the...

MIRONENKO, Ivan Ivanovich

MIRONENKO, Ivan Ivanovich (20.6. 1915, Khutor Dolotinovka of the Don Cossack Host Republic – 30.10.1989, Ufa), Architect. Merited Architect of the RSFSR (1974). Awarded with the Order of Red Banner (1941), Order of Red Star (1942). Participant of the Great Patriotic War. After graduating from the...

MIRONENKO, Ivan Ivanovich

MIRONENKO, Ivan Ivanovich (20.6.1915, Khutor Dolotinovka of the Don Cossack Host Republic – 30.10.1989, Ufa), Architect. Merited Architect of the RSFSR (1974). Awarded with the Order of Red Banner (1941), Order of Red Star (1942). Participant of the Great Patriotic War. After graduating from the Moscow...

MIRKIN, Boris Mikhaylovich

MIRKIN, Boris Mikhaylovich (16.7.1937, Ufa – 9.8.2017, Ibid.), Plant Sociologist and Agroecologist. Associate Member of the AS RB (1998), Dr.Nat. Sci. (Biological Sciences) (1975), Full Professor (1976). Merited Master of Sciences of the RF (1994), BASSR (1976). Laureate of the RB State Award in the...

MIRKIN, Boris Mikhaylovich

MIRKIN, Boris Mikhaylovich (16.7.1937, Ufa – 9.8.2017, Ibid.), Plant Sociologist and Agroecologist. Associate Member of the AS RB (1998), Dr.Nat. Sci. (Biological Sciences) (1975), Full Professor (1976). Merited Master of Sciences of the RF (1994), BASSR (1976). Laureate of the RB State Award in the...

MIRKHAYDAROV Mugallyam Shaykhattarovich

MIRKHAYDAROV Mugallyam Shaykhattarovich (18.2.1900–26.3.1974), teacher, poet, folklorist. A participant of the Civil War. M. collected the works of the Bashkir folklore: “Miney-Batyr and Tsar Shulgen”, aitysh “Khan’s daughter”, baits “We were thirty-two girls”, “Goat with a belt”,...

MIRGAZYAMOV, Marat Parisovich

MIRGAZYAMOV, Marat Parisovich (b.26.2.1942 in Selo Karaidel of Karaidelsky Raion of the BASSR), Statesman. Awarded with the Order of Peoples’ Friendship (2017). Graduated from the UPI (1966), Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU (Moscow, 1984). Since 1982 1st Secretary...

MIRBADALEVA Adelma Sabirovna

MIRBADALEVA Adelma Sabirovna (b.5.10. 1932, Moscow), folklorist. Doctor of Philology (1995). Graduated from MSU (1956). She studied and published scientific papers about epic monuments of Turkic-speaking peoples. Author of more than 30 scientific papers.


“MIRAS” (Heritage), folk song and dance ensemble. Created in 1992 in Ufa as a dance ensemble. Founder and first art director was G.V.Anishchenko. In 2007, the ensemble added a choir, and in 2009 – a troupe of Russian folk dance Zabava. The repertoire of the vocal and choreographic     compositions...


MIRAS (Heritage), folk song and dance ensemble. Created in 1992 in Ufa as a dance ensemble. Founder and first art director was G.V.Anishchenko. In 2007, the ensemble added a choir, and in 2009 – a troupe of Russian folk dance Zabava. The repertoire of the vocal and choreographic compositions reflected...

MINSKER, Karl Samoylovich

MINSKER, Karl Samoylovich (14.6.1929, Kiev – 23.5.2003, Ufa), Chemist. Acad. of the AS RB (1991), D.Sci. (Chemical Sciences) (1967), Full Professor (1969). Merited Master of Sciences of the RSFSR (1987), BASSR (1977). Laureate of the RF Government Award in field of Science and Technology (2004). Graduated...


MINOR KESHENE, an artifact of history and architecture dating to the 14th century. It is located 1 km to the east of Derevnya Nizhniye Termy of Chishminsky Raion, on the left bank of the Slak River (the basin of the Dyoma River). Described by R.G.Ignatyev, and V.S.Yumatov, studied in the 1950s by B.G.Kalimullin,...


MINOR HUMOROUS GENRES, include an anecdote, an anecdote-riddle, a fable lakap idioms, nebylitsa story, repetitive tales, jokes, foster rhymes, bywords, pleasantries. Anecdote is a folklore genre, a short joke prose story with an unexpected and paradoxical ending. A. satirizes different bad traits of...

MINNULLIN Kim Mugallimovich

MINNULLIN Kim Mugallimovich (b. 4.1. 1959), literary critic, folklorist. Corresponding member of the AS RT (2008), Doctor of Philology (2002), Professor (2006). Research is connected with the study of Tatar song poetry, poetics, and typology of Tatar folklore. M. also used folklore materials recorded...

MINNIYAKHMETOVA Tatyana Gilniyakhmetovna

MINNIYAKHMETOVA Tatyana Gilniyakhmetovna (b.3.1.1961), folklorist, ethnographer. Candidate of History (1996), Doctor of Philosophy (Hungary, 2003). Her research is devoted to folklore and ethnography of the Udmurts, as well as Bashkirs, Mari, Tatars, Estonians of Bashkortostan, development of methods...

MINIBAYEV, Rufil Gafarovich

MINIBAYEV, Rufil Gafarovich (18.9.1931, Derevnya Aybulyak of Yanaulsky Raion of the BASSR – 20.6.2013, Ufa), Botanist and Ecologist. Merited Acad. of the AS RB (1998), Dr.Nat.Sci. (Biological Sciences) (1969), Full Professor (1970). Merited Master of Sciences of the RB (1977), Excellent Worker of...

MINGAZHITDINOVA Mavzifa Magafurovna

MINGAZHITDINOVA Mavzifa Magafurovna (6.9.1901–14.3.1989), a storyteller. She was a connoisseur of Bashkir oral folk art and skilled with words. In the 1960s, M. conveyed to M. Kh. Mingazhitdinov about 30 fairy tales; some of them are included in the set “Bashkort Khalyk Izhady”. The song “Goodbye,...

MINGAZHITDINOV Marat Khalyafovich

MINGAZHITDINOV Marat Khalyafovich (18.5.1934–2.7.1972), literary critic, folklorist. Candidate of Philology (1964). His research is devoted to the study of epic genres of Bashkir folklore, folklore relationships, the study of the works of Kh. A. Davletshina, Nazar Nadzhmi, and other Bashkir writers....

MINGAZHEV, Gimaletdin Mingazhevich

MINGAZHEV, Gimaletdin Mingazhevich [21.5.1889, Derevnya Idrisovo of Zlatoustovsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (Kiginsky Raion of the RB) — 19.9.1955, Ufa], Actor. People’s Artist of the RSFSR (1949) and the BASSR (1935), Merited Artist of the RSFSR (1944). Awarded with the Order of Lenin (1949), Order of...


“MINEY ­BATYR AND TSAR SHULGEN”, a monument to Bashkir literature, epos. The epos was registered from sesen M.S. Mirkhaydarov’s   private   archive.   He   was   born   in Askarovo the First village, Verkhneuralskiy District, Orenburg region (Askarovo village, Abzelilovskiy Disctrict,...