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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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ASEBAR, a zoological wildlife reserve of area of 7.7 thous. ha in the territory of Burzyansky Raion. It is organized to restore the populations of game animals (elk, red deer) and rare animal species (2001). There are sodic soils in the valley of the Asebar stream. Pine and larch forests with old-age...


ASANBAEV Nazhib [Nikolay Vasilyevich; 7.11.1921, Derevnya Akhmanovo of Belebeyevsky Uyezd, of Ufa Gub. (now Bakalinsky Raion of the RB) — 28.3.2013, Ufa]. People's Writer of the RB (2006). Merited Cultural Sector Professional of the RSFSR (1982) and Merited Art Worker of the BASSR (1977). Laureate of...


ASAN KAYGY, Asan Ata was the 15th century yyrau. No documented information about his life has been preserved. Supposedly, lived during the reign of Ulu-Mukhammad, a Golden Horde Khan. The Kazakh version of the Aysa, the Son of Amat epic informs the reader that A.K. lived in the Urals, in the valley...

ASADULLIN, Damir Fakhritdinovich

ASADULLIN, Damir Fakhritdinovich (b.2.1.1953, Derevnya Uzunlarovo of Arkhangelsky Raion of the BASSR), Circus Artist, Acrobat. People’s Artist of the BASSR (1984), Merited Artist of the RF (1997) and BASSR (1979). After graduating from the Bashk. Circus Studio at Ufa Circus (1973), he worked as an Artist...


ART OF PAINTING, a kind of fine art whose works are created with colors on any kind of surface. In Bashkortostan, the emergence of .o.P. started at the beginning of the 20th century and associated with the creative works of Yu.Yu.Blumenthal, K.S.Devletkildeyev, M.N.Elgashtina, A.P.Lezhnev, A.E.Tyulkin,...


ART MUSEUM NAMED AFTER M.V.NESTEROV, astate museum of the RB. Located in Ufa. Founded by the initiative of M.V.Nesterov in 1919. The museum’s collection contains more than 12 thousand exhibits. The collection was initiatedby M.V.Nesterov, who in 1913, contributed M.A.Vrubel, I.I.Levitan, I.E.Repin,...


ART GROUPS AND ASSOCIATIONS, the consolidation of artists basedon exhibition activities, stipulated by theunity of artistic interests, aesthetic attitudes and ideological views on art. “Sarybiya” (“Yellow Mare”), art group.Founded in Ufa on theinitiative of N.A.Pakhomov. In the basis of the aesthetic...


ART GALLERIES. The first A.g. in Bashkortostan became the Voskresenskoye Art Gallery. Since the early 80s, the number of A.g. has grown, because the branches of the Art Museum named after M.V.Nesterov have been organized intogalleries and private A.g. appeared: Ufa Art Gallery (founded in 1974 by the...


ART EXHIBITIONS, the public display of art works. Since the1910s, A.e. in Bashkortostan were associated with the activities of the Ufa Art Society, later – Ufa Art Proletariat Museumof the October Revolution (ref. Art Museum named after M.V.Nesterov), the Association of the Artists of the Revolutionary...

ARSLANOV, Mukhamed Nuriakhmetovich

ARSLANOV, Mukhamed Nuriakhmetovich [2.2.1910, Derevnya Mamyakovo of Ufimsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (Kushnarenkovsky Raion of the RB) — 20.10.2001, Ufa], Scenographer. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1980) and BASSR (1968), Merited Artist of the RSFSR (1954) and BASSR (1943). Laureate of the BASSR Award named...


ARKHANGELSKY RAION, located in the central part of the RB. Established on August 20, 1930. Abolished on February 1, 1963 and became part of Karmaskalinsky Raion. Newly established on November 4, 1965. Territory – 2,422 km2. Adm. centre – Selo Arkhangelskoye, which is located 88 km SE of Ufa and 5 km...


ARKHANGELSKY, a zoological wildlife reserve of area 1.9 thous. ha in the territory of Arkhangelsky Raion. It is organized to restore the populations of game animals (1967). It is inhabited by garden dormouse, garrot, gray crane, gray partridge, hooping swan, mute swan, grass frog, European grayling...


ARKAULOVSKOYE, Assy, a swamp in the basin of the Yuryuzan River, a natural monument (2005). Located 0.7 km NE of Selo Arkaulovo of Salavatsky Raion. Total area — 150 ha. Rare plant species grow here: swamp ledum, Herminium monorchis, Epipactis palustris, Liparis loeselii, Dactylorhiza russowii, etc....


ARKAIM, a ballet of L.Z.Ismagilova performed in two acts. Written and premiered in 2005 in the Bashkir State Theatre of Opera and Ballet (written by Ya.V.Sedova, guided by A.P.Petrov, music director and conductor – R.E.Luter, set designer – S.B.Benediktov, costumes’ designer – O.D.Polyanskaya). The...


ARCHITECTURE. Original architectural culture on the territory of Bashkortostan is associated with the creation of the simplest shelters in the times of the Stone Age. Karst caves were used as natural shelters and temples-shrines (The Ignatiev shrine and Shulgan-Tash). Dwellings and shelters were built...


ARCHITECTURAL STYLES. From the 16th century, the architecture of Bashkortostan developed under the influence of Russian building tradition. One of the first widely used architectural style forms were Russian Baroque, which found special application in the first stone Orthodox churches and in industrial...


ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES, material sources (man-made ancient objects, structures, and/or burials which have been preserved on the earth’s surface, underground or under water), which allow us to reconstruct the past of a human society. A.s. of Bashkortostan (more than 3 thous. have been located) represent...


ARCHAEOLOGICAL CULTURES, based on cultural features common for archaeo­logical sites (settlements, dwellings, ceramics, funerary artifacts, tools, etc) belonging to the same time and area while having differing local features. Several of such A.c., formed at the same time and area, constitute to a cultural...

ARASLANOV, Nurambik Giniyatovich

ARASLANOV, Nurambik Giniyatovich (15.7.1928, Derevnya Kinzyabyzovo 2nd of Sterlitamaksky Canton of the BASSR, now Derevnya Kinya-Abyz of Kuyurgazinsky Raion of the RB, – 30.6.2012, Ufa), Economist. Merited Acad. of the AS RB (2002), Dr. of Economics (1985), Full Professor (1987). Merited  Master  of...

ARALBAY (Aralbayev), Kadim Abdulgalimovich

ARALBAY (Aralbayev), Kadim Abdulgalimovich (b.1.9.1941 in Derevnya Tanatar, Khaybullinsky Raion, BASSR). People’s poet of the RB (2011), Merited Cultural Sector Professional of the BASSR (1991). Awarded with the Order of Salavat Yulayev (2021). Laureate of the RB State Award named after Salavat Yulayev...