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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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KUDASHEVA, Farida Yagudovna

KUDASHEVA, Farida Yagudovna [15.12. 1920, Derevnya Klyashevo of Ufimsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (Chishminsky Raion of the RB) — 9.10.2010, Ufa], Singer. People’s Artist of the BASSR (1968) and RT (1990), Merited Artist of the RSFSR (1972) and BASSR (1956). Awarded with the Order Peoples’ Friendship...

KUDOYAROV, Gabdulla Khabirovich

KUDOYAROV, Gabdulla Khabirovich [7.6.1899, Selo Ablayevo of Belebeevsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (Chekmagushevsky Raion of the RB) — 14.9.1984, Ufa], Ophthalmologist. Dr. of Medical Sciences, Full Professor (1962). Merited Master of Sciences of the RSFSR (1973) and BASSR (1967), Merited Doctor of the RSFSR...


“KUDYRONGYR” (“Primrose”) is the Mari folklore ensemble of Arlanovskiy RHC, Krasnokamenskiy district, RB. It was organized in 2004, in 2012 it received the title “national”. I.I. Italyeva, honored artist  of  the  Republic of Mari­-El and RB, is the art­director of the ensemble. Repertoir...


KUK-KARAUK (in translation from Bashkir — rumbling), waterfall, a natural monument (1965). It is located on the Kuk‑Karauk River (basin of the Zigan River), in the territory of Ishimbayskiy Wildlife Reserve. The ledge approx. 12 m high is made up of three steps (steps 3—4 m high, width approx....


KUKHTUR, a stow, a natural monument (1965). Located 1 km SW of Derevnya Kagarmanovo of Beloretsky Raion. Territory – approx. 350 ha. There is Kukhtur River (tributary of the Belaya River), inhabited by European grayling. The landscapes are represented by birch and pine forests, meadows on dark‑gray...

KUKLEVA, Galina Alekseyevna

KUKLEVA, Galina Alekseyevna (b.21.11.1972 in Ishimbay), Athlete. Merited Master of Sports (biathlon) of Russia (1998). Awarded with the Order of Honour (1998), the 2nd Class Medal of Order for Merits to the Fatherland (2003). A trainee of the Specialist Children and Youth Sports Biathlon School of the...


KULAKS, the adopted in the historical literature name of the wealthy villagers in Russia, who emerged as a result of social differentiation of peasantry in the 2nd half of the 19th century. K. had peasant land plots, production resources and used hired labour. At the beginning of the 20th century, there...

KULAYEV, Mstislav Aleksandrovich

KULAYEV, Mstislav Aleksandrovich [Mukhametkhan Sakhipgareyevich; 7.2.1873, Selo Ziyanchurino of Orsky Uyezd of Orenburg Gub. (Kuvandyksky Raion of Orenburg Obl.) — 1959, Kazan], Statesman, Linguist. Participant of the First World War and the Civil War. Graduated from the Kazan University (1902). Since...

KULAYEVA, Olga Nikolayevna

KULAYEVA, Olga Nikolayevna (b.26.5.1929, Moscow), Plant Physiologist. Merited Acad. of the AS RB (2002), Dr.Nat.Sci. (Biological Sciences) (1971), Full Professor (1976). Merited Master of Sciences of the BASSR (2005). Awarded with the Order of Peoples’ Friendship (1986). Founder of the scientific...

KULBAKHTIN, Nazir Murzabayevich

KULBAKHTIN, Nazir Murzabayevich (b.17.9.1941 in Derevnya Sharipkulovo of Karmaskalinsky Raion of the BASSR), Historian. Dr. of Historical Sciences (1997), Full Professor (1998). Merited Master of Sciences of the RB (2001). After graduating from the BSU (1971) and since 1979 he worked there. Between...


KULMETOVO DRAWINGS, an archaeological site of the Eneolithic period. It is located on the rocky outcrops of the right bank of the Ai River, 3—4 km to the west from Derevnya Kulmetovo of Kiginsky Raion. Discovered and studied in 1988 by V.N.Shirokov. It consists of three groups of on‑rock images,...

KULMUKHAMETOV, Azamat Rakhmetovich

KULMUKHAMETOV, Azamat Rakhmetovich (b.6.8.1953 in Ufa), Diplomat. Awarded with the Order of Courage (2013). Graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (1976). Since 1978, Attache of the General Consulate of the USSR in Aleppo (Syria), since 1982, Attache, 3rd Secretary of the...

KULSARINA Gulnur Galinurovna

KULSARINA Gulnur Galinurovna (b. 19.10. 1977). Doctor of Philology (2018). Her research is devoted to the study of the language of Bashkir folklore, semantic reconstruction of the ethnic world view, the system of its values based on linguistic analysis of folklore texts. Author of more than 150 research...

KULSARINA Irena Galinurovna

KULSARINA Irena Galinurovna (b. 22.6. 1974), philologist. Candidate of Philology (2002). Her research is devoted to the study of Bashkir­ Russian folklore and literary relationships, principles and forms of the artistic representation of the image of Bashkortostan in the works of Russian writers of...

KULSHARIPOV, Marat Makhmutovich

KULSHARIPOV, Marat Makhmutovich (b.7.01.1941 in Derevnya Ziryeklya of Kugarchinsky Raion of the BASSR), Historian. Merited Acad. of the AS RB (2016), Dr. of Historical Sciences (1998), Full Professor (2000). Merited Master of Sciences of the RB (2001). Awarded with the Order of Salavat Yulayev (2009)....

KULUMBETOV Valiulla Faizullovich

KULUMBETOV Valiulla Faizullovich (1881–1964), poet­-improviser. He collected the samples of Bashkir folklore, historical, and ethnographic materials. K. recorded the legend “The Song of Salavat to His Wife”, the kubair “With Pugachev’s army he merged...” by Salavat Yulayev etc, as well...


“KULUY‑CANTON”,  “K o l i y -­ c a n t o n”, Bashkir ethnic song, uzun­-kuy. First registered in the 1920s (the author is unknown), published in several variants in the magazine called “Soviet music” (1951, № 3). The song is lyro­dramatic. Named after Mukhametkuluy Kuchukov, the...


KUMERTAU, a town and railway station in the RB. Located the S of Bashkir Urals, 237 km S of Ufa. Territory — 170 km2. Population — 64.1 thous. people (2017). The economy is comprised of mechanical engineering. In K., there are the Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise, Bashkir Reinforcement Plant,...


KUMERTAU AVIATION PRODUCTION ENTERPRISE, AO. Manufactures civil and military helicopters, gas equipment; delivers training of ground and flight personnel, etc. Founded in 1953 in place of the central electromechanical workshops of Bashuglerazrezstroy Trust as the Repair Mechanical Plant (manufactured...


KUMYS, traditional fermented milk drink of the Bashkir cuisine made of mare, less often goat milk, known for its healing properties. The ferments are fermentation fungi, retained on the walls of the kumys tableware, katyk or K. of the previous production; sometimes germinated grain of wheat or a piece...