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Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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NABIULLIN, Valey Gabeyevich

NABIULLIN, Valey Gabeyevich [3.4.1914, Derevnya Starokucherbayevo of Belebeyevsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (Blagovarsky Raion of the RB) – 25.12.1982, Ufa], Statesman. Awarded with the Order of Lenin (1957), Order of the Red Banner of Labour (1944, 1966). Graduated from the Higher Party School under the...

NABIULLINA, Elvira Sakhipzadovna

NABIULLINA, Elvira Sakhipzadovna (b.29.10.1963, Ufa), Statesman. Awarded with the 4th Class Order for Merits to the Fatherland (2012), Order of Friendship (2011). Graduated from the MSU (1986). Since 1994, she worked at the Ministry of Economy of the RF: since 1997 the Deputy Minister of Economy of...


“NADEZHDA”, a patchwork club. It was established in 2000 at Ural gallery of the center of folk-art on the initiative of the patchwork artist M.K. Zhmur. In 2003 it earned the title “People’s“; in 2017 it became an honored folk-art team of RB. The works of members of N. were exhibited in China,...

NADRSHINA Fanuza Aitbayevna

NADRSHINA Fanuza Aitbayevna (b. 7.2.1936, Derevnya Staro-Muradymovo of Aurgazinsky Raion of the BASSR, now Derevnya Muradym of the same raion of the RB). Merited Member of the AS RB (2016). Dr.Sci (Philology, 1998). Merited Scientist of the RB (2000). Laureate of the BASSR Award named after Salavat...

NADRSHINA, Fanuza Aitbayevna

NADRSHINA, Fanuza Aitbayevna (b.7.2. 1936, Derevnya Staro‑Muradymovo of Aurgazinsky Raion of the BASSR, now Derevnya Muradym of the same raion of the RB). Merited Member of the AS RB (2016). Dr.Sci (Philology, 1998). Merited Scientist of the RB (2000). Laureate of the BASSR Award named after Salavat...


NADZHMI, Nazar (real name: Nazmutdinov Nazar Nazmutdinovich; 5.2.1918, Derevnya Minlishtino of Birsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub., now Selo Minishty of Dyurtyulinsky Raion of the RB, – 6.9.1999, Ufa, buried in his homeland). People’s Poet of the RB (1993). Laureate of the RSFSR State Award named after M.Gorky...

NAFIKOVA, Ferdaus Mukhametvaleevna

NAFIKOVA, Ferdaus Mukhametvaleevna (20.3.1938, Ufa – 26.1.2008, Ibid.), Ballet Dancer. People’s (1974) and Merited (1971) Artist of RSFSR, Merited Artist of BASSR (1963). Laureate of the Salavat Yulayev Award of the BASSR (1977). Awarded with the Order of the Badge of Honor (1981). After graduating...

NAGAYEVA Lydiya Islmovna

NAGAYEVA Lydiya Islmovna (b. 24.4.1938), dancer, director of folk dances. Candidate of History (1978). Performer of jokey and lyrical dances “Troublemakers”, “Gift”, “Friendship”, “Seven Girls”, etc, as well as dances of the peoples of the world. Her research is devoted to Bashkir ethnic...


NAKAZBASHEVSKY, a zoological wildlife reserve of area 23.8 thous. ha in the territory of Kugarchinsky and Kuyurgazinsky raions. It was organized to restore the populations of game animals (1969). It is inhabited by true otter, eared hedgehog, Pipistrellus nathusii, Natterer’s bat, bobak, great jerboa,...


NAKI ISANBET (real name Zakirov Naki Sirazetdinovich; 29.12.1899–15.9.1992), writer, linguist, folklorist. Author and compiler of the “Tatar Folk Proverbs” (1959–67), “Tatar Folk Riddles” (1970), “Children’s Folklore” (1984). Author of plays based on the epic “Zayatulyak and Khyuhylu”,...


NANOTECHNOLOGIES, ways of creating nanoscale structures, imparting useful propertiesto materials and devices. Since the early 90s, research was initiated by IMSP and USATU to receive nanostructured materials using severe plastic deformation (in the quantity of several dozens to hundreds of units) in...

NAPALKOV, Valentin Vasilievich

NAPALKOV, Valentin Vasilievich (b.30.7. 1941 in Gorky), Mathematician. Associate Member of RAS (1990), Acad. of AS RB (1991), Dr.Sci. (Phys.‑Math.) (1977), Full Professor (1980). Awarded with the 2nd Class Order for Merits to the Fatherland (1999). Graduated from the Gorky University (1964). Since...


NARATSAZ, a stow, a natural mo­ nument (2005). Located on the left bank of the Bir River, 2 km SW of Derevnya Sabayevo of Mishkinsky Raion. Territory – 585 ha. On the territory of N. there is a complex of lowland swamps with lakes. Landscapes are represented by swamp forests, mosses are found. The...


NARDUGAN is a traditional holiday connected with the beginning of a new calendar year (See Christmas). It was celebrated twice a year. Winter N. (December 25 - February 5) marked  the  beginning  of  increasing  daylight and coincided the coldest days. On the first day children used to visit their...


NARIMAN SABITOV MUSIC SCHOOL NO.1, children’s institution of additional education. Located in Ufa. Founded in 1920 in place of V.I.Shimanskaya and M.I.Andrzheyevskaya private music schools. Since 1971, it has been named after the Bashkir composer and conductor, N.G. Sabitov. Has vocal and choral,...


“NARSPI”, Chuvash folklore and ethnographic ensemble of the center of culture and folk-art of Ufa. Established in 1986 at Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography; in 1987 it became S. Ordzhonikidze Palace of Culture; it has had its current status since 2001. In 1991 it was titled “People’s.”...

NASIBULLIN Rif Shakrislamovich

NASIBULLIN Rif Shakrislamovich (b. 15.10.1936), linguist, translator. Doctor of Philology (1999), Professor (2000). His research is devoted to Udmurt dialectology, linguistic geography, historical lexicology, and translation of folklore works, etc. Author of more than 300 research papers. N. collected...

NASIBULLIN, Ruslan Rafikovich

NASIBULLIN, Ruslan Rafikovich (b.2.3. 1981 in Verkhoturye), Athlete. Merited Master of Sports (fencing) of Russia (2004). Distinguished Athlete of the RB (2005). Awarded with the 2nd Class Medal of the Order for Merits to the Fatherland (2006), Order of Salavat Yulayev (2004). A trainee of the Specialised...


NASIKHAT (from Arabic - instruction, in Bashkir ethnic pedagogy, it is a didactic saying aimed to create a proper attitude in person to the external and internal world, to transfer moral norms, etc. Its idea is close to benevolence. As a rule, N. is transmitted by a person from the elder generation...

NASRETDINOVA, Zaituna Agzamovna

NASRETDINOVA, Zaituna Agzamovna (14.8.1923, Ufa – 1.10.2009, Ibid.), Ballet Dancer. People’s Artist of USSR (1955), People’s (1954) and Merited (1949) Artist of RSFSR, Merited Artist of BASSR (1946). Awarded with the Order of October Revolution (1976), Order of the Badge of Honor (1946). After...