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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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To the reader

The illustrated “Republic of Bashkortostan” encyclopedia in both Russian and English is a universal regional encyclopedia which presents a body of knowledge about Bashkortostan, its history, as well as its place and role in Russia and the world. The main attention in the publication is paid to the...

To the reader

The territory of the Bashkortostan republic is the place where besides the native people - Bashkirs, more than 100 peoples of different nationalities live. They settled here in different times, but managed to preserve the folklore of their ancestors and add new local features to it. The most significant...

TOLKACHYOV, Konstantin Borisovich

TOLKACHYOV, Konstantin Borisovich (b.1.3.1953 in Stalinsk), Statesman and Lawyer. Dr. of Laws (1998), Full Professor (1998). Merited Lawyer of the RF (1993) and RB (1992). General Major of Internal Service (1998). Awarded with the Order of Friendship (2013), Order of Honour, Order for Merits to the...


TOLPAR, a children’s anti-tuberculosis health resort. Opened in 2010 following the reorganization of the Children’s Anti-Tuberculosis Health Resort and the Alkino Republican Children’s AntiTuberculosis Health Resort. It has sever branches: Alkino (Selo Sanatoriya Alkino of Chishminsky Raion of...

TOLSTIKOV, Alexander Genrikhovich

TOLSTIKOV, Alexander Genrikhovich (b.16.8.1957 in Alma-Ata), Сhemist. Associate Member of the RAS (2000), D. Sci. (Chemical Sciences) (1993), Full Professor (2001). Laureate of the RF State Award in the field of Science and Technology (1993), Leninist Komsomol Award (1986). After graduating from the...

TOLSTIKOV, Genrikh Aleksandrovich

TOLSTIKOV, Genrikh Aleksandrovich (21.1.1933, Kangurt of the Tadjik SSR – 26.4.2013, Novosibirsk), Organic Chemist. Acad. of the RAS (1987), D.Sci. (Chemical Sciences) (1969), Full Professor (1970). Merited Master of Sciences and Technology of the BASSR (1975). Laureate of the State Award in the field...

TOLSTOY Lev Nikolayevich

TOLSTOY Lev Nikolayevich (28.8.1828 in Yasnaya Polyana estate, Tula Gub. – 7.11.1910 in the Astapovo Railway station, Ryazan-Uralskaya Railway, buried in his homeland) was a Russian writer. Associate Member (1873), Merited Acad. of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1900). Author of...


TONGUE-TWISTER is a folklore genre, rhythmized prose or poetic piece of art based on a combination of the sounds, words, phrases which are difficult to pronounce to improve children's speech. T. represents real events of everyday routine; the content is often humorous. Each text is strictly ethnic and...


TOTEMISM is a traditional belief based on the idea that there is a supernatural kinship between a human and his so-called totem: an animal, a plant, less often a natural phenomenon or an inanimate object. The members of a clan or a clan unit, as a rule, were prohibited to hunt the totemic birds or animals,...


TOTEMISM, traditional beliefs based on the ideas of supernatural kinship between man and the socalled totem – animal, plant, not so often natural phenomenon or inanimate object. The members of the totem group, as a rule, bearing the name of their totem, were forbidden to hunt, to eat the meat of the...


TOURIST ORGANIZATIONS, institutions providing preparation and conducting of tourist trips. In 1929, the first tourist organization was created in Bashkortostan called the Bashkir Society for Proletarian Tourism. In 1932 Bashkir Central Tourist Station of Children’s Excursions was established (ref....


TOURIST ROUTES, pre-planned routes which include visits to historical places, cultural sites, nature monuments, etc for cultural, educational, health, sports and other purposes. In Bashkortostan, the first tourist route appeared in late 1920s in connection with the organization of independent hiking...


TOWARDS THE LIGHT! (Yaktyga), a trilogy. Written between 1958–70 by Z.A.Biisheva. The novels The Humiliated (1958), The Awakening (1966) and Towards the Light! (1970) made up a trilogy that established a new genre form and became an artistic chronicle of the life of the people of Bashkortostan. The...


TRACTOR AND AGRICULTURAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, a branch of mechanical engineering, associated with the production of tractors, combine harvesters and other agricultural machinery and equipment. The largest industry enterprises: ODK–Ufa Motor-Building Production Association, INMAN, NEFAZ, Bashkir...


TRADE, the form of commodity circulation, performed through purchase and sale; a branch of economy. In all the cities of the RB, there are trade networks specializing in the sale of food: Magnit, Bayram, Polushka, Bashspirt, Krasnoye & Beloye, Monetka, Pyatyorochka; in Ufa there is also Perekryostok,...


TRADE AND SERVICE COMPLEXES, a group of trade enterprises managed as a whole and located in the same building. T.a.S.C. sell industrial and food products, provide public catering services and household services, etc. The largest shopping complexes in Ufa: Lifestyle Center Bashkiriya, Central, Family,...


TRADITIONAL ADORNMENTS, costume details, which are a supplement to festive, ceremonial and casual clothes. They also performed the role of talismans and charms for Bashkirs, pointed to the ancestral affiliation (ref. Bashkir tribal organization), social and property status of the family. Women’s T.a....


TRADITIONAL INTERIOR DESIGN, historically evolved techniques of architectural, functional, and artistic arrangement of a dwelling space, reflecting the ethnic and regional peculiarities of an architectural style. The Bashkir T.i.d. was largely affected by the nomadic culture of Turkic peoples, as well...


TRADITIONAL TOYS, various items and devices for entertainment and children’s development, reflecting the peculiarities of national culture, lifestyle and everyday life. For the manufacture of T.t. Bashkirs widely used natural materials. The materials used for making dolls were wood: a twisted twig...


TRAILERS, unpowered vehicles for transportation of people or cargoes designed to be hauled by a truck. Semi-trailers — a trailer hauled by a tractor. The Batyr Trailer Plant (Tuimazy, RB) manufactures trailers of “Batyr 7125” model (up to 750 kg, without a break system) for cars equipped with...