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Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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“”, “Khazhirakay”, Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. First registered by N.D. Shunkarov in 1965 from G. Yakupov in Tungatarov village, Uchaly District, BASSR. The song is lyro-epic. It was created in the 1st part of the 19th century. According to legend, it was composed by M.Y. Buzykaev’s daughter Khazhira,...


KHAUBAN is the main character of the “Akbuzat” epic. He continues the great activity of his great-grandfather Ural-batyr who was fighting for people’s happiness and social justice. K. shoots a golden duck with the flintlock rifle that had belonged to his father. The duck turns out to be Nerkes, the...


“KHATIRA”, Bashkir ethnic song, kyska-kyuy. First registered by S.Gabyashi in 1934, published in the book “Bashkort khalk yirdary” by K.F. Akhmetov. The lyrics form is a monologue of a young man in love. He praises the beauty of Khatira. The mode of the chant is major pentatonic, the structure consists...


KHARNAU (to sing a recitative) is a Bashkir folklore genre, spell-formulas (see Spell). It comes from pre-Islamic beliefs. The bakses prayers are uttered during the kamlaniye ritual (see Shamanism). Clear rhythmized text is accompanied by special body movement. It is performed as a chant or as a khamak...

KHARISOV Akhnaf Ibragimovich

KHARISOV Akhnaf Ibragimovich [2.6. 1914, Derevnya Imyanovo of Birsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (now Baltachevsky Raion of the RB) – 15.5.1977, Ufa], Philologist and Writer. Dr.Sci (Philology,1972) and Full Professor (1972). Participant in the Great Patriotic War. After graduating from Timiryazev Bashkir Pedagogical...


KHAMAK, k h a m a k - k u y, 1) is a style of performing pieces of art in Bashkir folklore (bayts, senlyau, spells, zaklichkas, counting-out rhymes, certain poetic parts of epics, fairytales, legends). K. may also be associated with an action, for example, with dance (K. dance), game (game accompanied...


KHALMAK­-KYUY (literally – a leisurely, smooth tune), in the Bashk. music folklore refers to a melodic style; a genre of the Bashk. ethnic music. Kh.-k. combines features of both uzun-kyuy and, to a greater extent, kyska-kyuy. Kh.-k. is characterized by slow tempo, moderate intra-syllable tunes (2–3...


“KHAKMAR”, a Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kyuy. It was registered by composer M.A. Muzafarov in 1928 in Orenburg city, in the 1940’s by A.A. Eichenwald (it is in The Glinka Museum of Musical Culture, Moscow). It was published in the “Songs of my people” collection (1995). The song is lyroepic. The song...


KHAKMAR, S a k m a r  is a character from the “Ural-batyr” epic, the son of Shulgan and Aykhylu (Samrau’s daughter). His mother tells K. about his father’s betrayal and sends him to Ural-batyr to help to defeat the evil powers. K. joins Ural-batyr and becomes the head of the army together with Idel,...

KHAKIMYANOVA Aigul Muzhavirovna

KHAKIMYANOVA Aigul Muzhavirovna (b. 10.7.1973), folklorist. Candidate of Philology (2015). Her research is devoted to the study of the musical-poetic and modern state of Bashkir folklore. Author of more than 80 research papers. Over 500 Bashkir songs and instrumental tunes were recorded by Kh. One of...


KEREMET (from Arabic “karamat” – miracle) 1) is the main deity of the lower world, an antipode of the God­creator. He is the younger brother of the God cast down from the heaven for being proud. According to Mari legends, before the earth was created K. used to swim in water looking like drake. By the...


KATIL (from Arabic­killer) is the character from the “Ural-batyr” epic. He is a cruel and bloodthirsty tsar, whose lands are covered with the bones and blood of people; a black raven is his banner’s symbol (according to Bashkir and some other beliefs, the raven is a symbol of death). His appearance...

KARPUKHIN IvanYegorovich

KARPUKHIN IvanYegorovich (b.5.2.1936, Vasilyevka village, Alsheyevskiy district, BASSR), folklorist. Honorary member of AS RB (2018), Doctor of Philology (1988), Professor (1998). He graduated from Sterlitamak Pedagogical Institute (1960) and has been working there since 1962. His scientific activities...

KARMAZIN (Evain) Guriy Gavrilovich

KARMAZIN (Evain) Guriy Gavrilovich (15.3.1882–10.5.1938), linguist, folklorist. Associate Professor (1930). Together with V.M. Vasiliev, he developed the scientific principles for the development of the Mari language. He studied the song folklore of the Eastern Mari people, recorded 500 songs which...


KARKHUZ (from Bashkir “kara” – black and “khuz” – word, literally “an ancient story”). 1) is an ethnic term combining epic (epic, fairytale, lore, legend, bylichka) and aphoristic genres (idiom, proverb, a riddle, a nasikhat); 2) a fairytale, mythical short According to Bashkir customs, K. was allowed...


KARAVAYNITSA is a woman baking wedding karavay bread. It is a common Slavic ceremony when people cooked ceremonial karavay bread, its origin is connected with ancient traditions of worship to the Sun, nature powers (see Earth-Water). It was believed that the way karavay was baked was equal to the way...


“KARAVAN‑SARAY”, Bashkir ethnic song, uzun­-kuy. First registered by M.I. Sultanov in the 1910s, published in his book “Bashkir and Tatar tunes” (1916). The song is lyro­epic. The origin of “K.S.” is connected with the construction of the Orenburg Caravan-­Sarai. There are several variants of “K.S.”...


KARAS‑SESEN is a Bashkir ethnic poet and improviser. The name of K.­s. can be observed in “Karas and Aksha” epic, “Karas and Karakhakal” lore, etc., where he has an image of a brave military officer and wise head of the clan, a great­grandson of Kubagush-sesen. According to “Bashkir batyrs” by G.F....


“KARAKHAKAL” (“Black beard”), “B a t t l e   m a r c h”,  “K a r a s a k a l ’ s  m a r c h”, Bashkir ethnic naigrysh melody. First registered with a phonograph in several variants by L.N. Lebedinskiy in 1939 from Ishgali Dilmukhametov, published in the “Bashkort khalk yirdary” collection. Dedicated...


“KARAKHAKAL”, a monument of Bash kir  literature,  epos.  Exists  in  a  poetic­prose form. Registered in 1907 by M.A. Burangulov from Gabit-sesen, the manuscript is in the Science archive of URC RAS. The work reflects the events of the final stage of the 1735–1740 rebellions. The main character of...