Список материалов

SHASHIN, Valentin Dmitriyevich
SHASHIN, Valentin Dmitriyevich (16.6.1916, Baku – 22.3.1977, Moscow), Statesman. Laureate of the Lenin Award (1976). Awarded with the Order of Lenin (1959, 1966, 1971, 1976), Order of the Red Banner of Labour (1948). Graduated from the Moscow Gubkin’ Oil Institute (1943). Since 1932 at Ishimbayneft,...

SHAYMURATOV, Minigali Minazovich
SHAYMURATOV, Minigali Minazovich (15.8.1899, Derevnya Bishtyaki of Ufimsky Uyezd of Bishtyaki Gub., in present Selo Shaymuratovo of Karmaskalinsky Raion of the RB, – 23.2.1943, buried in Selo Petrovskoye, Ukr. SSR), Military Leader, Major General (1942). Awarded with the Order of the Red Flag (1938,...

SHAYTAN is an evil spirit in Bashkir mythology, relates to the jinn category. They can look like humans or other living creatures. According to certain beliefs, they live in yurts with their families, according to other beliefs – in caves in groups. They emit fire from their mouths while sleeping....

SHEEP BREEDING, a branch of livestock breeding. In Bashkortostan, sheep (mostly, coarse‑wool sheep) have been bred since olden times; early in the 19th century, fine wool sheep of Merino breed were imported. In 2018, the total number of sheep in all categories of entities reached 719.6 thous.: agricultural...

SHEVCHUK, Yuriy Yulianovich
SHEVCHUK, Yuriy Yulianovich (b.16.5.1957, Posуlok Yagodnoye of Magadan Obl.), Musician, Songwriter. People's Artist of the RB (2003). Graduated from the BSPI (1980). The founder and leader of the DDT rock‑group (Ufa, 1980). Since 1985, he has lived and worked in St. Petersburg. The key themes of...

“SHEVLE” (Summer lightning), Chuvash folk ensemble of the Suukchishma rural culture house, Karmaskaly district of RB. It was founded in 1967 by O.M. Vasilyeva. In 2003 it was titled “People’s”. The ensemble consists of 2 groups: adult and children. Adult members of the ensemble perform in...

SHEZHERE is a genealogical history of a tribe, clan, family. There are nominal S. (generational enumeration of the names of relatives in the male line from the founder of the clan or from the compiler) and narrative S. (which include information about the historical events, people, documentary texts,...

SHEZHERE, the genealogical history of a tribe, clan, family of Turkic, Mongolian and other peoples, recorded in oral or written form; the historical and functional genre of oriental literature. The compilation of Sh. was associated with ancestral exogamy. Bashkirs had nominal (generational enumeration...

SHIKHANY, single residual mountains, surfacing reef masses. They are located on the right bank of the Belaya River on 20 km stretch. The following relicts and plants, included in The Red List of the RB, grow here: Astragalus helmii, Dianthus acicularis, Limonium caspium, Hedysarum grandiflorum, Asplenium...

SHINGAK-KUL, a zoological wildlife reserve of area 240 ha in the territory of Chishminsky Raion. It was organized in order to preserve the natural complex of Shingakkul Lake and its adjacent territory (1952), in 1965 it became a natural monument, in 1995 it obtained its current status. The wildlife...

SHINGAKKUL (in translation from Bashkir — “a drying lake”), a lake in the basin of the Dyoma River, 1.5 km SE of Selo Shingak‑Kul of Chishminsky Raion, in the territory of Shingak-Kul wildlife reserve. Surface area — 2.4 km2, diam. — 1.6 km, marshy. Centaurium uliginosum, Primula longiscapa,...

SHITOVA Svetlana Nikolayevna
SHITOVA Svetlana Nikolayevna (b.12.2. 1936, Stalingrad), an ethnographer. Candidate of Historical Sciences (1968). Distinguished Worker of Culture of the RB (2003). After graduating from Moscow State University (1958) until 2006, she worked at the Institute of History, Language and Literature. Her...

SHITOVA, Svetlana Nikolayevna
SHITOVA, Svetlana Nikolayevna (b.12.2.1936, Stalingrad), an ethnographer. Candidate of Historical Sciences (1968). Distinguished Worker of Culture of the RB (2003). After graduating from Moscow State University (1958) until 2006, she worked at the Institute of History, Language and Literature. Her scientific...

SHMAREV, Alexey Tikhonovich
SHMAREV, Alexey Tikhonovich (18.1.1913, Sloboda Nalchik of Terskaya Obl. – 2.6.1993, Moscow), Statesman, Industrialist. Dr. of Engineering Science (1966). Merited Oil Producer of the TASSR (1983), Merited Oil Producer of the USSR (1987), Merited Explorationist of the USSR (1983). Laureate of the Stalin...

SHOTA RUSTAVELI GEORGIAN ETHNIC CULTURAL CENTER, Bashkortostan, a NGO established in Ufa in 2010. A Georgian Sunday school has been working in Ufa since 2011. The center organizes Georgian cultural celebrations, Georgian movie shows, concerts with participation of Georgian performers. Participates...

SHUGAYUPOV Vakil Shakirovich
SHUGAYUPOV Vakil Shakirovich (29.8.1936 in Selo Alkino, Salavatsky Raion of the BASSR – 28.6.2017 in Ufa, buried in his homeland) was a master of the national musical instruments production. Graduated from Kazan Art School in 1963. In 1976, Sh. was the first in the RB, who developed the technology...

SHUGAYUPOV, Vakil Shakirovich
SHUGAYUPOV, Vakil Shakirovich (29.8.1936 in Selo Alkino, Salavatsky Raion of the BASSR — 28.6.2017 in Ufa, buried in his homeland) was a master of the national musical instruments production. Merited Art Worker of the BASSR (1988). Laureate of the Soul of Russia Award of the Government of the RF (2013),...

“SHULDYR ZHYT” (“Merry evening”), Udmurt folklore ensemble of the inter-settlement cultural and leisure center of the village Novye Tatyshly in Tatyshly district of RB. Established in 1991. In 2000 it was titled “People’s”. The ensemble performs folklore compositions “Easter”, “Housewarming”,...

SHULGAN, is Bashkir mythological image. He is the elder son of Yanbirde and Yanbike in the “Ural-batyr” epic (see First ancestor), the brother antagonist of Ural-batyr. These people used to be immortal as were the Gods of upper world Samrau, Koyash (the Sun), Ay (the Moon), Khumay. There was a sacred...

SHULGAN-TASH, a reserve of 22.5 thous. ha within the territory of Burzyansky Raion. It was formed on the basis of the Pribelskiy branch of Bashkirskiy Reserve in order to preserve the natural and landscape complex of the zone of European broadleaf forests and to protect rare plant species and rare animal...