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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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EASTER (Christ’s day, Resurrection of Christ, the Great day, Bright Christ’s Sunday) is the main Christian holiday dedicated to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is held the first Sunday after the spring new moon. People clean their houses, bake kulich cakes, cook cottage paskha dish, paint eggs...


EARTH–WATER is a dual mythologized deity in female image, protector of nature pow­ ers; an image of the Motherland. It combines male and female principles, includes the unity of time and space, a person and nature. Thus, a healing Bashkir spell describes the ancient origin of the mother­earth with a...


EARLY PRINTED BOOK, a monument of book culture; published during a certain period after the appearance of book printing; it has design similarities with a handwritten book. The majority of the E.p.b., stored in the collections of books and manuscripts, were collected in the 20th century; the earliest...