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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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YELANOVSKY, a zoological wildlife reserve of area 3.9 thous. ha in the territory of Dyurtyulinsky Raion. It was organized to preserve and restore the populations of Russian desman and other game animals and rare animal species (1963). In the territory of the wildlife reserve there are lakes Bolshaya...


“YEK-MERGEN”, a monument of Bashkir literature, epos. It is registered by F. Valiev in the beginning of the 20th c. (the handwritten variant did not survive to the present day). It was first published in “An” magazine, Kazan, 1916. The epos is prosaic. The dominant theme and idea relate to the...

YEGOROV Nikolay Ivanovich

YEGOROV Nikolay Ivanovich (b. 20.2.1949), turkologist and linguist. Doctor of Philology (1992). His research papers are devoted to his­ torical Chuvash lexicology, onomastics, dialectology, folklore, mythology, calendar holidays, and ceremonies. Author of more than 400 re­search papers. One of the...


“YATAGAN” a n e t h n i c b a n d. Formed in 2014 in Ufa. I.A. Shakirov is the founder and head of the band. In his work he combines musical instruments and techniques typical of folk and world music. The repertoire includes Bashkir ethnic songs and tunes “Alpamysha”, “Black Pacer”, “Igbirdin”,...


YARYMTYK (from Bashkir yarym – “a half”) is a demon in Bashkir mythology. Bylichkis about Y. mainly exist in the Northern and North-Western Bashkir art. According to some beliefs, it appears to people and has one eye and one leg. According to legends and beliefs, Y. likes to ride a horse. People...

YANGUZIN, Rim Zaynigabitovich

YANGUZIN, Rim Zaynigabitovich (15.11.1941, Selo Ayuchevo of Sterlitamaksky Raion of the BASSR — 11.11.2007, Ufa), Ethnographer. Dr.Sci (History, 1990), Full Professor (1991). Merited Scientist of the RF (2002), Merited Scientist of the RB (1993), Merited Worker of Higher Professional Education of...


YANGAN-TAU, geopark, geologically, biologically, historically and culturally renouned place, located on the territory of Salavatsky Raion of the RB. Established in 2017. Territory — 1,770 km2 of hilly plain. The Ay and Yuryuzan rivers represent the hydrographic network. The nature is featured with...


YANGAN-TAU, a balneological health resort. Located in Salavatsky Raion of the RB on the right bank of the Yuryuzan River, 180 km to the NW of Ufa and 43 km away from Kropachevo Railway Station (Chelyabinsk Obl.). Opened in 1937. It is a centre for treatment of locomotor, peripheral and vegetative nervous,...

YANBULATOVA, Ragida Saitgaleyevna

YANBULATOVA, Ragida Saitgaleyevna (28.12.1915, Derevnya Bakayevo 1st of Ufimsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub., now Selo Bakayevo of Kushnarenkovsky Raion of the RB, — 13.10.1997, Ufa), Actress, Poetess. People's Artist of the BASSR (1954), Merited Artist of the RSFSR (1955) and BASSR (1949). After graduating...


YANAULSKY RAION, located in the NW part of the RB. Established on August 20, 1930. On January 31, 1935, part of the Ya.r.’ territory was transferred to Tatyshlinsky Raion. Between 1963–65, Ya.r. included the territories of Kaltasinsky and Krasnokamsky raions. Territory — 2,094 km2. Adm. centre...


“YAMANTAU” (“Ominous mountain”, “The evil mountain”),    Bashkir      ethnic      song, uzun-kuy. It was registered by N.D. Shunkarov from Mugalim Mirkhaydarov in 1960 in Askarovo village, Abzelilovskiy District BASSR and published in the “Bashkir ethnic art. Songs.” collection...


YAMANTAU (in translation from Bashkir, literally, — “bad mountain”), the highest point of the Bashk. (South) Urals. It is located within the territory of the South Ural Reserve. Abs. alt. — 1,638 m, length — 5 km, width — approx. 4 km. The slopes are steep, north is stepped, south and east...

YAMALETDINOV Mavletbay Baygildeevich

YAMALETDINOV Mavletbay Baygildeevich (b. 5.3.1947), writer, translator, kuraist. Folk sesen (2018). Ya’s repertoire includes the classical pieces uzun-kui, kubairs. Author of the novel “The Circle” (2006), devoted to Kubagush-sesen. Based on Old -Turkic written sources, Ya. created a dastan (epic)...


“YALSYGUL”, Bashkir ethnic song, kyska-kuy. The song was registered by L.N. Lebedinskiy from I.S. Dilmukhametov in 1939 and published in the “Bashkort khalk yirdary” collection by G.Z. Suleymanov. It is an optimistic song of a worker called Yalsygul. “Y.” melody is based on a major pentatonic...

YALKAYN (Yalkayev), Yanysh Yalkayevich

YALKAYN (Yalkayev), Yanysh Yalkayevich [25.10.1906, Derevnya Churayevo of Birsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (now Mishkinsky Raion of the RB) — 17.9.1938, Moscow], Writer. Graduated from MSU (1934). Worked in Mariysky Obl. Local History Museum (Yoshkar‑Ola) and Institute of Anthropology and Ethnography of...

YAKUTOV, Ivan Stepanovich

YAKUTOV, Ivan Stepanovich [20.6.1868, Derevnya Korolyovo of Birsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (Askinsky Raion of the RB) – 7.11.1907, Ufa], Figure of the Revolutionary Movement. Graduated from the Ufa City Parish School (1881) and was a Member of the Social Democratic Group in Ufa since 1898. Since 1900, he...


YAKUPOVSKY SALINE SPRING, Yakutovsky saline spring, on the left bank of the Kazlair River (basin of the Sakmara River), a natural monument (1965), located 2.5 km N of Selo Yakutovo of Kuyurgazinsky Raion. It has several outlets (on the stretch of 90 m), forming a lake (diam. 20 m, depth 1 m). The total...

YAKUPOV, Gilman Girfanovich

YAKUPOV, Gilman Girfanovich (20.3.1925, Derevnya Staro‑Sibayevo, Zilairsky Canton of the BASSR, now Selo Stary Sibay, Baymaksky Raion of the RB, – 11.2.2012, Ufa), Statesman and an Active Communist Party Member. Hero of Socialist Labour (1971). Awarded with the Order of Lenin (1971), the Order of...


YAKTY-KUL, a health resort institution which utilizes mud and climate therapies. Located in Abzelilovsky Raion of the RB, 42 km to the NW of Magnitogorsk Railway Station, on the bank of Yaktykul Lake. Opened in 1932. It is the centre for treatment of locomotor, peripheral nervous, urinary, digestive...


YAIK is a character of the “Ural-batyr” epic, the eldest son of Ural-batyr, born by Katil’s daughter. His mother sends him to Ural-batyr and gives him 4 batyrs revived by living water to be his company. Y., his brothers and their father defeat Kakhkakha, Shulgan and their adherents. He carves...