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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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RUBRUCK, William

RUBRUCK, William (between 1215 and 1220 – 1293), Flemish Traveller, Monk. Between 1253– 55 he headed a diplomatic mission sent by French King Louis IX to the Mongol Empire. The route he traveled went through the Ural steppes. Author of the book titled The Journey to the Oriental Countries, containing...

ROZHKOVA Tatyana Ivanovna

ROZHKOVA Tatyana Ivanovna (b. 15.10. 1955), folklorist. Doctor of Philology (2006). Her research is devoted to the ceremonial calendar and wedding folklore of Russian mining villages of Bashkortostan and the Southern Urals. Author of more than 70 research papers. She is one of the compilers of the folklore...


ROZA VETROV UFA (Rose of the Winds), OOO. Founded in 2000 in Ufa as Roza Vetrov of Bashkortostan, since 2016 has its modern name. Main areas of activity are: development of ecological tourism in the South Urals (water sports/boating, mountain, horse‑riding and combined tours), the organization of...


ROUND DANCE OF FRIENDSHIP  i s  a n   o p e n   r e g i o n a l    f e s t i v a l   o f  c h i l d r e n ’ s   f o l k   c h o r e o g r a p h y . It has been held since 2007 in Tuymazy once every 2 years in order to promote and further develop children’s folk choreography, strengthen...


ROUND DANCE is a circle synchronized group dance which can be accompanied by singing or sometimes by playing musical instruments. Being a syncretic type of ethnic dance, it combines music, choreography, poetry, drama, symbolism of ethnic costumes etc. Its origin is connected with the ancient pagan ritual...


ROSSIYA, ООО, a stud farm. Specializes in breeding and sale of pedigree cattle of black and white breed (since 2000), production and sale of milk, meat, food grain, elite seeds of grain and leguminous crops (since 2001). Located in Dyurtyulinsky Raion, the central farm is in Selo Starobaishevo. Founded...


ROSHCHINSKY, GUSP, state collective farm. A largest agricultural industry corporation in the RB. It was founded in 1979 as Spartak pig farm under the Bashkir Pig Industry Multicorporate Enterprise; since 1980 R. State Collective Farm; since 1995 R. State Agricultural Enterprise; since 1997 an affiliate...

ROMANOV, Anatoly Aleksandrovich

ROMANOV, Anatoly Aleksandrovich (b.27.9.1948 in Derevnya Mikhaylovka of Belebeyevsky Raion of the BASSR), Colonel General (1995), Hero of the Russian Federation (1995). Awarded with the Order of the Red Star (1987), Order for Personal Courage (1993), Order for Military Services (1994, No.1). Graduated...

ROMANKEVICH, Vladimir Mikhaylovich

ROMANKEVICH, Vladimir Mikhaylovich (10.9.1889, Grodno – 6.11.1966, Ufa), Surgeon. Dr.Sci (Medical Sciences) (1963), Full Professor (1963). Merited Doctor of the BASSR (1957). Awarded with the Order of Lenin (1967). Graduated from the Kharkov University (1918). Since 1919 in Ufa: worked in surgical...

RODIONOV, Gennady Stepanovich

RODIONOV, Gennady Stepanovich (b.14.12.1949 in Ufa), Singer (bass). Merited Artist of RF (2010), People's (1990) and Merited (1984) Artist of BASSR. Laureate of the Award named after G.Salyam (1984). After graduating from USIA (1976) until 1992 and since 2003, he worked as a soloist at Bashkir State...

RODIONOV Vitaliy Grigoryevich

RODIONOV Vitaliy Grigoryevich (b. 5.10. 1947), literary critic, folklorist. Doctor of Philology (1993), Professor (1995). His research is devoted to the study of the genesis and features of the Chuvash prosody, the history of the development of Chuvash literature and writing, ceremonial folklore of...

RODINA, the Cinema

RODINA, the Cinema. Located in Ufa. Founded in 1953. It has 3 cinema halls, a lobby, 2 projection rooms, a bar, and a cafe. Between 1969–79, the People’s University used the cinema for its purposes. In R. there are held such activities as the Anime, Cannes Lions festivals, art house cinema showings,...


RODENTS (Rodentia), an order of mammals. There are more than 40 know families and 2500 species. In the RB there are 34 species of 5 families (beavers, squirrels, mice, dormice and jerboa). Their body length ranges from 6 (birch mice) to 100 cm (river beaver), and their body mass ranges from 6 g to 30...


ROCKS, natural aggregates of minerals of a certain composition, forming independent geological bodies of Earth’s crust. By origin, they are divided into sedimentary (formed on Earth’s surface as a result of sedimentation and subsequent transformation of sea and continental sediments), magmatic [formed...


ROCK MUSIC, a form of popular music. In Bashkortostan, R.m. started to develop in mid. 60s: many pop groups were created (Blacksmiths of Thunder, Elves, etc), most of them were student amateur groups from the Republican universities. The repertoire was composed of the pop songs by Soviet composers and...


ROADS, a complex of the facilities designed to ensure continuous and safe movement of road transport with rated load and set speed limits, for the carriage of cargo and passengers in order to meet the social-economic and defense needs of the state and the needs of the population; an integral part of...


ROAD TRANSPORT, represented by public, departmental and private transport owned by citizens. In the transport system of Bashkortostan, R.t. ranks first in passengers carriage and passenger traffic. The carriage of cargo and passengers using public R.t. is performed by the GUP Bashavtotrans, as well...


ROAD CONSTRUCTION AND PUBLIC UTILITY ENGINEERING, a branch of mechanical engineering, associated with the production of road, earth-moving and construction machinery, equipment for the building materials industry, peat and timber industry, reclamation works, municipal engineering, household service...


RIVERS, water currents, flowing on their developed beds and feeding on the surface and underground runoff from their catchment basins. They flow in the lowered forms of relief — valleys. There is a source (place of origin) and a mouth (the place where the river flows into the sea or merges with another...


RIVER TRANSPORT, a type of transport that performs carriage of passengers and cargo via inland waterways in the river basins of the European part of Russia. The total length of inland navigable waterways in the RB is about 1,000 km. The basic cargo: sand, gravel, oil products, fertilizers, salt, and...