Список материалов

MUSEUM OF ARCHEOLOGY AND ETHNOGRAPHY of Institute of Ethnological studies of R.G. Kuzeev USC RAS. Located in Ufa. Founded in 1976. The first exposition was opened in 1980; current expositions of the museum are located in “Archeology of the Southern Urals”, “World of Bashkir culture”, “Bashkortostan...

MUSEUM OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOGRAPHY of the Institute of Ethnological Studies named after R.G.Kuzeyev under the UFSRC RAS. Located in Ufa. Founded in 1976, under the History, Language and Literature Institute. Since 1993, under the Urals Peoples Department of the USC RAS. Since 1999, the current status....

MUSA GAREYEV BASHKIR HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CENTER o f t h e R B, a public organization, branch of the House of Peoples’ Friendship. It was established in 2018 in Verkhneyarkeyevo village of Ilishevsky district of the RB in order to safe guard and develop the cultural heritage of...

MURZIN, Dayan Bayanovich
MURZIN, Dayan Bayanovich [20.12.1921, Derevnya Starye Balykly of Belebeyevsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (Bakalinsky Raion of the RB) — 9.2.2012, Ufa], Statesman. Merited Lawyer of the RSFSR (1972). Awarded with the Order of the Red Flag (1942), the 1st (1985) and 2nd (1955) Class Order of the Patriotic War,...

MURZABULATOV, Suleyman Shangareyevich
MURZABULATOV, Suleyman Shangareyevich [15.4.1890, Derevnya Abzanovo of Orsky Uyezd of Orenburg Gub. (Zianchurinsky Raion of the RB) – 9.1.1931, Moscow], Member of the Bashkir National Movement. Member of the RCP(b) since 1918, according to other data, since 1921. Participant of the First World War...

MURTAZINA, Shaura Musovna
MURTAZINA, Shaura Musovna (22.7.1925, Moscow — 22.2.2002, Ibid.), Stage Director. Merited Artist of the RSFSR (1970) and BASSR (1955). Laureate of the RSFSR State Award named after K.S.Stanislavsky and the Award named after G.Salyam (both — in 1967). Awarded with the Order of the Badge of Honour...

MURTAZINA, Milyausha Galiyevna
MURTAZINA, Milyausha Galiyevna (b.27.5.1926 in Derevnya Bakayevo 2nd of Ufimsky Canton of the BASSR, now Selo Bakayevo of Kushnarenkovsky Raion of the RB), Vocal Teacher. Full Professor (1990). Merited Artist of RSFSR (1983) and BASSR (1967), Merited Worker of RSFSR (1973), Excellent Worker of the Higher...

MURTAZIN, Rauf Akhmetovich
MURTAZIN, Rauf Akhmetovich [15.1.1910, Derevnya Temyasovo of Orsky Uyezd of Orenburg Gub. (Baymaksky Raion of the RB) — 10.4.1994, Ufa], Composer. Merited Artist of BASSR (1957). Laureate of BASSR State Award named after Salavat Yulayev (1990). Awarded with the Order of the Badge of Honour (1955,...

MURTAZIN, Musa Lutovich
MURTAZIN, Musa Lutovich (20.2.1891, Derevnya Kuchukovo of Verkhneuralsky Uyezd of Orenburg Gub., now Derevnya Kuchukovo‑Mayak of Uchalinsky Raion of the RB, – 27.9.1937, Moscow), Member of the Bashkir National Movement, Statesman and Military Leader. Member of the RCP(b) since 1920. Participant...

MURTAZIN-IMANSKY (Murtazin), Valiulla Gainazarovich
MURTAZIN-IMANSKY (Murtazin), Valiulla Gainazarovich [5.1.1885, Derevnya Imangulovo 1st of Orenburgsky Uyezd of Orenburg Gub. (Oktyabrsky Raion of Orenburg Obl.) — 10.7.1938, Ufa), Actor, Stage Director, Theatrical Figure. People’s Artist of the BASSR (1922), Merited Artist of the RSFSR (1935). Since...

MURADYMOVSKOYE GORGE, a natural park of area 23.6 thous. ha. It was organized to preserve benchmark natural complexes, to organize recreation and tourism (1998); a part of M.G. is located within the territory of the Iksky Reserve, in 2012 it became a part of Bashkir Ural Biosphere Reserve. It is located...

MURADYMOVO SETTLEMENT SITE AND DRAWINGS, archaeological sites of the 12–6th centuries BC. Located in the Muradymovskoye Ushchelye Natural Park near Derevnya 3rd Yuldybayevo of Kugarchinsky Raion, on the right bank of the Bolshoy Ik River (a tributary of the Sakmara River), 102 m above the river level....

MUNKÁCSI Bernát (12.3.1860–21.9.1937), ethnographer, linguist. His research papers are devoted to the linguistic and cultural relationships of Finno-Ugric and Turkic peoples of the Volga region and Western Siberia (Udmurts, Khanty, Mansi, Chuvash, etc.) along with the Hungarians. In 1885, he collected...

MUNAZHAT is a Bashkir and Tatar lyrical genre of musical and poetic art based on the melodic declamation or vocal intonation of a poetic text. “Music and songs of the Ural Muslims and their household description” by S.G. Rybakov describe M. as “an appeal to God, religious poetry”. Other sources...

MULYUKOV, Radik Rafikovich
MULYUKOV, Radik Rafikovich (b.2.5.1951 in Derevnya Slak of Chishminsky Raion of the BASSR), Physics Engineer. Associate Member of RAS (2016), Dr.Sci. (Phys.‑Math.) (1997). Graduated from the Ural Polytechnical Institute (Sverdlovsk, 1974). Since 1985 at UAI, since 1987 at the Institute for Metal Superplasticity...

MULDASHEV, Ernst Rifgatovich
MULDASHEV, Ernst Rifgatovich (b.1.1.1948 in Selo Nizhne‑Sermenevo of Beloretsky Raion of the BASSR, now Selo Sermenevo of the same raion of the RB), Ophthalmologist. Dr.Sci (Medical Sciences) (1995), Full Professor (1996). Merited Doctor of the RF (1998), Master of Sports of the USSR (1978) on sports...

MULDAKKUL, the saltiest lake in the RB in the basin of the Yangelka River, 4 km E of Selo Mikhailovka of Abzelilovsky Raion, a natural monument (1965). Surface area — 6.2 km2, length — 3.1 m, aver. width — 2.0 km, aver. depth — 2.1 m (max. — 2.5 m), volume of water — 13.1 million m3. Contains...

MUKHIN, Victor Sergeyevich
MUKHIN, Victor Sergeyevich (b.16.2. 1938 in Rybinsk), Mechanical Engineer. Associate Member of the AS RB (2002), Dr. of Engineering (1975), Full Professor (1978). Merited Scientist and Engineer of the RSFSR (1982), Merited Scientist of the BASSR (1979). Laureate of the RB State Award in the field of...

MUKHAYAROV Zidyyar Shakirovich
MUKHAYAROV Zidyyar Shakirovich (17.1. 1942–29.7.2006), teacher, musician. Russia’s well-known maker of accordions such as sgueezebox and talyanka. He taught in various musical institutions for about 20 years.
Bashkir version of talyanka by M. combines the best traditional and design achievements....

MUKHAMETZYANOV Rif Mirkhabullovich
MUKHAMETZYANOV Rif Mirkhabullovich (2.7.1939–7.2.1996), folklorist. Candidate of Philology (1973). His research is devoted to the calendar and wedding poetry of the Tatars of Bashkortostan, analysis of the relationship between literature and folklore. Author of more than 100 research papers. The founder...