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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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ISHMUKHAMET-SESEN (real name: Balapanov Murzakay Magadeyevich; 1799, Derevnya Balapan of Kubelyatskaya Volost of Verkhneuralsky Uyezd of Orenb. Gub.; now Derevnya Novobalapanovo of Abzelilovsky Raion of the RB – 1878, ibid.), Poet-improviser. This sesen’s creative heritage include the following...

ISHMATOV, Rafail Gazizovich

ISHMATOV, Rafail Gazizovich (b.2.8.1952 in Chelyabinsk), Coach. Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences (2003). Merited Coach of Russia (1996), Master of Sports (ice hockey) of the USSR (1977), Merited Physical Culture Professional of the RB (1994). Awarded with the Order of Friendship (1996). Graduated from...


ISHIMBAYSKY RAION, located in the central part of the RB. Established on March 20, 1937 due to the disamalgamation of the Sterlitamaksky and Makarovsky raions of the BASSR, along with the separation of Rabochy Posyolok Ishimbay from Sterlitamak. Abolished on February 10, 1940, territory became part...


ISHIMBAYSKY, a zoological wildlife reserve of area 58.5 thous. ha in the territory of Ishimbaysky Raion. It was organized to restore the populations of game animals (1971). Within the territory of I. there is Kalim-Uskan Rock and Salavat Yulayev Cave, Karaultau Mountain, Tash-Oy Cave and its surroundings,...


ISHIMBAY MOBILE AND DRILLING EQUIPMENT PLANT, OOO. Produces units for drilling, development and repair of UPA-type wells of 50—100 t capacity on KrAZ and Ural cars chassis, as well as drilling and additional equipment, domestic cars, spare car-parts, etc. Designed in 1967 as a plant for production...


ISHIMBAY MACHINE­TOOL PLANT, OOO. Produces woodworking four‑sided planing machines, wagon houses of different purposes (approx. 30 types): stationary, on skids, based on tractor trailers; various trade pavilions and metal structures on request, spare parts, etc. It was put into operation in 1973...


ISHIMBAY KNITWEAR FACTORY, ZAO. Produces knitted products: underwear for toddlers, children, women, men; knitted outwear, sports and recreation clothing. The process cycle includes yarn preparation, knitting, dyeing, finishing, cutting and tailoring, production of finished products. To fabricate knitted...

ISHBULATOV, Khadzhiakhmet Iskhakovich

ISHBULATOV, Khadzhiakhmet Iskhakovich [16.3.1851, Derevnya Udryakbash of Ufimsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (Blagovarsky Raion of the RB) — 1921, Sterlitamak], Military Leader. Lieutenant General (1918). Participant of the First World War and the Civil War. Awarded with the 4th Class Order of St. Vladimir...

ISHBULATOV, Khadzhiakhmet Iskhakovich

ISHBULATOV, Khadzhiakhmet Iskhakovich [16.3.1851, Derevnya Udryakbash of Ufimsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (Blagovarsky Raion of the RB) — 1921, Sterlitamak], Military Leader. Lieutenant General (1918). Participant of the First World War and the Civil War. Awarded with the 4th Class Order of St. Vladimir...


IRTYAK (irtek) is a kind of Bashkir epic; a fairytale genre in Kazakh, Uzbek and Karakalpak folklore. Kirey Mergen believes that “Ural-batyr”,  “Akbuzat”,  etc.  kubairs  which  have mixed  poem  and  prose  form  are  a  kind  of I. Mythological motifs make I. closer to fairytales,...

IRSAYEVA, Nuriya Iskhakovna

IRSAYEVA, Nuriya Iskhakovna (b.13.10.1942, Selo Kanbekovo of Miyakinsky Raion of the BASSR), Actress. People’s Artist of the RSFSR (1984), BASSR (1980) and the RT (1998), Merited Artist of the BASSR (1972). Laureate of the BASSR Award named after Salavat Yulayev (1987). Awarded the Order of Peoples...


IRON PYRITE (pyrite), a mineral of the sulphides class. It contains impurities of cobalt, copper, nickel, etc. The crystals are cubic (often with hatching on the faces), pyritohedral, less often octahedral, contact and penetration twins. The color is light grey, brass‑yellow with yellowish‑brown...


IRGIZ (Yrgyz), a novel. Written in 1942–52 by H.L.Davletshina. The basis of the work was laid down in the story The Fiery Years, which depicts the hard life in the village of Aydakay in Bashkortostan. Against the background of the events of the early 20th century, such as the Revolution of 1917, the...


IRGAIL is a character of Bashkir magical fairytales, a chthonian creature. It looks like an old dwarf with a long beard “half of a yard in height, but the beard is five hundred yards in length”, which hoards all his power. It is connected to dark evil powers. It lives underground. If people do not...


“IRENDYK”, Bashkir ethnic song, kyska-kuy. First registered by S.K. Gabyashi, published in the “Bashkort khalk yirdary” collection. It is an old hunting song of a merry nature. According to one of the legends, it was compo­ sed by hunter and quaray player Bulgair, who was fascinated by the...


IRENDYK, a Bashk. folk song, kyska-kyuy. First recorded by S.Gabyashi and published in the Bashkort Khalk Iyrdardary digest. An old hunting quick-tempo dance song. According to one of the legends, the song was composed in the middle of the 18th century by Bulgair, hunter and kuraist, enchanted by the...


IRENDYK (Irendyktau), a ridge. It is extended meridionally from the latitudinal flow of the Bolshoy Kizil River to the latitude of the mouth of the Buzavlyk River in Abzelilovsky, Baymaksky and Khaybullinsky raions. Length — approx. 140 km, width in the south and in the north — 10— 12 km, in the...


“IREMEL”, “I r a m a l i”, Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. Variants of “I.” were first  registered by S.A. Galin in 1962 in the Chelyabinsk region, the texts were published in “Bashkir ethnic art. Songs” collection (1974); also, there is a record made by D.Z. Valeev. The Lyro­-epic...


IREMEL, a natural park of area 49.3 thous. ha within the territory of Beloretsky and Uchalinsky raions. It was organized in order to preserve unique natural complexes, to protect rare plant species and rare animal species, to ensure stable hydrological condition of the heads of the rivers of Bashkir...


“IRANDYK”, an ensemble of kuray players of Sibay Children’s Music School. Established in 2001. In 2013, it earned the title “Exemplary”; in 2017, it became an honored folk­art team of RB. The founder and artistic director is the education expert of RB I.S. Khasanov. The repertoire includes...