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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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FENCING, a sport involving the use of the sword—йpйe, foil, or sabre. In Bashkortostan, F. developed in Ufa in late 50s of the 20th century. The first F. branch of the Ufa Youth Sports School (now the Sports Skills Development School of the RB) was opened in 1959. In 2011, Ufa Specialized Children...

FERIN, Mikhail Alexeyevich

FERIN, Mikhail Alexeyevich (14.12.1907, Torzhok of Tver Gub. – 29.7.1979, Ufa), Industrialist. Candidate of Engineering Science (1947). Hero of Socialist Labour (1957). Merited Master of Sciences and Technology of the RSFSR (1968) and the BASSR (1958), Merited Motor Builder of the USSR (1985). Laureate...


FIBRE-OPTIC COMMUNICATION LINE (FOCL), an optical communication line where information signals are transferred through quartz light guides (optical fibres). The first digital multi­ channel of the Republic, FOCL (with a potential capacity of 2400 channels) Ufa–Sterlitamak was commissioned in 1989...

FILIPPOV, Alexander Pavlovich

FILIPPOV, Alexander Pavlovich [7.11.1932, Selo Yumaguzino of Mrakovsky Raion of the BASSR (now Kugarchinsky Raion of the RB) – 15.10.2011, Ufa]. People’s Poet of the RB (2004). Merited Cultural Sector Professional of the RB (1992). Laureate of the Award named after G.Salyam (1974). Awarded with...


FINE ARTS, a type of visual arts including painting, graphics and sculpture. The formation of the Bashkir fine arts started at the end of the 19th to early 20th century. Previously, it was restrained by the orthodox Islam, which forbade depicting images of the real world, and therefore, the art tradition...


FINE ARTS AND FOLKLORE. Folklore is one of the sources of inspiration for artists. Based on folklore art, a master created an art image, reflecting his worldview in his works. A large plethora of works based on folklore motifs was created in the 1920’s–1930’s as a result of expeditions to the...


FIRST ANCESTOR is a progenitor of mankind, the ancestor of an ethnos, clan or tribe in mythology. Activity of the F.a. took place in mythical (“first”) times. F.a. often takes the function of demiurge, cultural hero. According to the Bashkir mythology, the first human appears from fire and (or)...


FIRST GRAND MOSQUE is situated in Ufa. It was built in 1830 at the request of G.Gabdrakhimov, the Mufti of Orenburg Muslim Spiritual Assembly. Architectural Engineer – I.Myalov. It is administered by the Presidium of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia. This mosque (33.3х22.9х9.7...


FISH FARMING, a sector of economy concerned with fish breeding, increase of the amount and quality improvement of fish resources. In Bashkortostan, pasto‑ral, pond, and industrial fish farming are developed. The technology of artificial reproduction of white amur, carp, Siberian sturgeon, silver carp...


FISH INDUSTRY, a branch of food industry, associated with fishing and the processing of fish, sea animals, whales, marine invertebrates and algae into various types of food, medical, fodder and technical products. The RB is represented by fish processing and fish farming. The largest industry enterprises:...


FISHES (Pisces), a superclass of vertebrate subtype. There are two classes of F.: cartilaginous and boney F. There are about 60 known orders with more than 20 thous. species. There are 50 species of Syngnathiformes, Scorpaeniformes, Siluriformes, Gadiformes, Esociformes (represented by 1 species –...


FLORICULTURE, the cultivation of herbaceous decorative plants in order to obtain flowers for cutting, planting in parks and gardens, squares, for interior decoration; a branch of plant growing. In Ufa Gub. before the revolution of 1917, F. was practiced mostly by the nobility, merchants, landowners,...


FODDER CROPS, the plants grown for feeding the animals. F.c. include annual and perennial fodder herbs, forage roots and tubers, fodder melons, silage crops. In the RB, out of annual cereals mohar, Sudan grass, etc. are being cultivated; out of annual legumes — sand vetch, spring vetch, chickling...


FOLK CALENDAR, historically evolved system of organising, counting and regulating days of a year. It helps schedule a sequence of traditional customs, rituals, and holidays, household practices, and to a large extent, religious and folklore practices. The Bashkir F.c., combining the solar and lunar...


FOLK DANCE. In F.d. reflects the ethnic life of the Bashkirs: the peculiarities of work, various rituals and beliefs, their imaginative perception of the surrounding nature, the habits of animals and birds. The most ancient dances were connected with such activities as hunting and also related to the...


FOLK GAMES, historically established fun and entertainment activities, sports, dances, song contests and other types of competitions. They entertain and at the same reflect the traditional worldview, beliefs, customs, folklore, social relations and household activities of a people. The Bashkirs F.g....


FOLK MUSIC (Musical Folklore), vocal or instrumental music made by the people. Traditionally exists in oral form. The Bashkir F.m. by its origin is largely individual and produced by individual kuraists, yyrau, sesens and other folk performers. The vocal F.m. includes uzun­-kyuy, khalmak­-kyuy, kyska­-kyuy,...


FOLK SINGERS AND MUSICIANS, both the researchers and performers of folk music and poetic heritage. The Bashkir singers and musicians are characterized by the masterful vocal control and playing on folk musical instruments. Their mastery represents a particular school of folk art. A.A.Alyabyev, V.I.Dal,...


FOLKLORE AND MASS MEDIA. To preserve, develop, promote and popularize ethnic values, traditions and folklore of peoples in Bashkortostan, mass media covers different folklore events, press materials about folklore of RB peoples. Printed media is published in the Bashkir, Russian, Tatar, Chuvash, Mari,...


FOLKLORE ARCHIVES are the stores of expeditional,  personal  data  of  scientists  and other folklore collectors. There are F.a. in the Scientific  archive  of  URC   RAS,  folklore cabinet of USIA, Bashkir State University on the territory of Bashkortostan. F.A. of BSU was founded in the...