Список материалов

KIYEKBAYEV, Dzhelil Giniatovich
KIYEKBAYEV, Dzhelil Giniatovich (25.10.1911, Derevnya Karan‑Ilga of Sterlitamaksky Uyezd of Ufa Gub., now Derevnya Karan‑Elga of Gafuriysky Raion of the RB, — 19.3.1968, Ufa), Linguist, Turkologist, Writer. Doctor of Letters (1961), Full Professor (1961). Merited Scientist of the BASSR (1967)....

KITAP (in the Bashk., Book) is a Bashkir publishing house, GUP. Publishes fiction, popular scientific and educational literature, as well as dictionaries, reference books and calendars. Established in Oct. 1919 as the Bashkortostan State Publishing House (Bashgosizdat). Since Oct. 1922, the Bashkniga...

KIREY MERGEN [Kireyev Akhnyaf Nuriyevich (Nurmukhammetovich); 28.6.1912, Kigazytamakovo village, Birskiy district, Ufimskaya region (Mishkinskiy district, RB) – 24.1.1984, Ufa], a writer, folklorist, literary critic. Doctor of philology (1963), Professor (1966). Participant of the great Patriotic...

KIRCH (kirk), a Lutheran church. In Ufa, the K. was built in 1910 (rebuilt in 1989). It was a one‑story brick building covered with iron. In the K. there were 3 icons, wooden and nickel silver utensils, and a physharmonica. By 1911, the clergy of the K.’s parish consisted of one Pastor. The worshipers...

KIRAYDT, Rudolf Ivanovich
KIRAYDT, Rudolf Ivanovich (b.1.1.1939, Opochka), Architect. Merited Architect of the RF (1996), Merited Builder of the BASSR (1981). Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Architecture (1968). Presently works in Ufa. At the beginning of 1961, he worked in the Institute of Bashkirgrazhdanproekt Simultaneously,...

KINZYA (Kinye), a novel. Written in 1977–2003 by G.G.Ibragimov, it consists of three books: The Trampled Dzaylau (1977), The Leader of the Clan (1987), and The Senator of the People’s Tsar (2009). It tells us about the events of the Peasant War of 1773–75 and about the life and work of Kinzya...

KINZIKEYEV, Akhtyam Rakhmatullovich
KINZIKEYEV, Akhtyam Rakhmatullovich (1.1.1922, Derevnya Buzdyak of Belebeyevsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub., now Selo Stary Buzdyak of Buzdyaksky Raion of the RB, — 18.1.2017, Ufa), Mining Geological Engineer. Associate Member of the AS RB (1991), Dr. Sci. (Geology and Mineralogy) (1966), Full Professor (1969)....

KINDERLINSKAYA-LEDNYOVA-OKTYABRSKAYA CAVE SYSTEM, the longest speleological system in the South Urals, a natural monument (2011). It is a geological section with a variety of calcite formations, it includes an underground glacier with a multi‑layered structure. Pleistocene‑holocene sediments were...

KILMYAK NURUSHEV, one of the leaders of the 1735—40 Bashkir Uprisings (ref. Bashkir Uprising of the 17—18th centuries). Participated in the uprising of 1704—11, as a Member of the Embassy of the Bashkir rebels participated in nego- tiations with the Turkish Sultan and the Crimean Khan in the Crimea....

KILMAMATOV, Ramil Ismagilovich
KILMAMATOV, Ramil Ismagilovich (b.10.9.1949, Selo Verkhniye Kargaly of Blagovarsky Raion of the BASSR), Photo Artist. People’s Artist of the RB (2017), Merited Cultural Worker of the RF (2007), the BASSR (1990). Laureate of the State RB Award named after Salavat Yulayev (2010). Graduated from Moscow...

KILDIYAROVA, Flura Akhmetsheyevna
KILDIYAROVA, Flura Akhmetsheyevna (b.15.1.1952, Derevnya Ilchigulovo of Uchalinsky Raion of BASSR), Singer (soprano). Full Professor (2013). People’s Artist of RF (2002), Merited Artist of RF (1995) and BASSR (1989). Laureate of BASSR Award named after Salavat Yulayev (1985). After graduating from...

KIGINSKY RAION, located in the NE of the RB. Established on August 20, 1930 as Verkhne‑Kiginsky Raion. It included some volosts of Mesyagutovsky Canton. Since September 20, 1933 has its current name. Abolished on February 1, 1963, territory became part of Salavatsky Raion. Newly established on January...

KIESHKI, Aksakovskoye, a bayou lake, a natural monument (1965). Located in the basin of the Belaya River, near Derevnya Stariye Kiyeshki of Karmaskalinsky Raion. Surface area — approx. 0.2 km2, length — 1.9 km, aver. width — 70 m (max. — 120 m). Nuphar lutea, Potamogeton lucens, Typha angustifolia,...

KHYZYR, K h a d i r (from Arabic “green”) is a character in Muslim mythology that combines the features of different characters belonged to pre-Islamic mythologies of Middle East and aulia (spiritual struggler, who was granted protection and magical power by Allah). According to legend he found...

KHUSNUTDINOVA, Elza Kamilevna (b.24.5.1954 in Ufa), Geneticist. Associate Member of the Russian Academy of Education (2016), Acad. of the AS RB (2012), Dr.Nat.Sci. (Biological Sciences) (1997), Full Professor (1998). Merited Master of Sciences of the RF (2004), RB (1999). Laureate of the RB State Award...

KHUSEINBEK KESHENE, an artifact of history and architecture dating back to the 1st half of the 14th century and is located to the SW of Selo Chishmy of Chishminsky Raion on the terrace above the floodplain of Akzeirat Lake (former river bed of the Dyoma River). It was described by P.S.Pallas, R.G.Ignatyev,...

KHUSAINOVA Gulnur Ravilovna
KHUSAINOVA Gulnur Ravilovna (b. 14.10.1959), folklorist. Doctor of Philology (2017). Her research is devoted to the study of genre specificity, poetics of Bashkir folk fairytales, the current state of Bashkir folklore, textology. Author of more than 300 research papers. One of the authors of the publications...

KHUSAINOV, Gaysa Batyrgareyevich
KHUSAINOV, Gaysa Batyrgareyevich [b.10.4.1928, Derevnya Utyaganovo of Ufimsky Canton of the BASSR (now Karmaskalinsky Raion of the RB) — 27.7.2021, Ufa, buried in his homeland]. Academician Of the AS RB (1991), Doctor Sci (Philology, 1971) and Full Professor (1972). People’s Writer of the RB (2008)....

KHUSAINOV Gaysa Batyrgareyevich
KHUSAINOV Gaysa Batyrgareyevich [10.4. 1928, Derevnya Utyaganovo of Ufimsky Canton of the BASSR (now Karmaskalinsky Raion of the RB) — 27.7.2021, Ufa, buried in his homeland]. Acadimician of the AS RB (1991), Doctor Sci (Philology, 1971) and Full Professor (1972). Graduated from the Timiryazev Bashkir...

KHUSAINOV Abubakir Davletkulovich
KHUSAINOV Abubakir Davletkulovich (1.6.1859–8.8.1937), kuray player, educator, religious figure. Participant of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877–78. Kh. is a provider and collector of Bashkir folklore (recorded more than 300 ethnic songs), performed Bashkir folk songs (about 50 songs in the repertoire),...