Список материалов

YANBULATOVA, Ragida Saitgaleyevna
YANBULATOVA, Ragida Saitgaleyevna (28.12.1915, Derevnya Bakayevo 1st of Ufimsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub., now Selo Bakayevo of Kushnarenkovsky Raion of the RB, — 13.10.1997, Ufa), Actress, Poetess. People's Artist of the BASSR (1954), Merited Artist of the RSFSR (1955) and BASSR (1949). After graduating...

YANAULSKY RAION, located in the NW part of the RB. Established on August 20, 1930. On January 31, 1935, part of the Ya.r.’ territory was transferred to Tatyshlinsky Raion. Between 1963–65, Ya.r. included the territories of Kaltasinsky and Krasnokamsky raions. Territory — 2,094 km2. Adm. centre...

YAMANTAU (in translation from Bashkir, literally, — “bad mountain”), the highest point of the Bashk. (South) Urals. It is located within the territory of the South Ural Reserve. Abs. alt. — 1,638 m, length — 5 km, width — approx. 4 km. The slopes are steep, north is stepped, south and east...

YALKAYN (Yalkayev), Yanysh Yalkayevich
YALKAYN (Yalkayev), Yanysh Yalkayevich [25.10.1906, Derevnya Churayevo of Birsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (now Mishkinsky Raion of the RB) — 17.9.1938, Moscow], Writer. Graduated from MSU (1934). Worked in Mariysky Obl. Local History Museum (Yoshkar‑Ola) and Institute of Anthropology and Ethnography of...

YAKUTOV, Ivan Stepanovich
YAKUTOV, Ivan Stepanovich [20.6.1868, Derevnya Korolyovo of Birsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (Askinsky Raion of the RB) – 7.11.1907, Ufa], Figure of the Revolutionary Movement. Graduated from the Ufa City Parish School (1881) and was a Member of the Social Democratic Group in Ufa since 1898. Since 1900, he...

YAKUPOVSKY SALINE SPRING, Yakutovsky saline spring, on the left bank of the Kazlair River (basin of the Sakmara River), a natural monument (1965), located 2.5 km N of Selo Yakutovo of Kuyurgazinsky Raion. It has several outlets (on the stretch of 90 m), forming a lake (diam. 20 m, depth 1 m). The total...

YAKUPOV, Gilman Girfanovich
YAKUPOV, Gilman Girfanovich (20.3.1925, Derevnya Staro‑Sibayevo, Zilairsky Canton of the BASSR, now Selo Stary Sibay, Baymaksky Raion of the RB, – 11.2.2012, Ufa), Statesman and an Active Communist Party Member. Hero of Socialist Labour (1971). Awarded with the Order of Lenin (1971), the Order of...

YAKTY-KUL, a health resort institution which utilizes mud and climate therapies. Located in Abzelilovsky Raion of the RB, 42 km to the NW of Magnitogorsk Railway Station, on the bank of Yaktykul Lake. Opened in 1932. It is the centre for treatment of locomotor, peripheral nervous, urinary, digestive...

YUSUPOVA, Beder Akhmetovna
YUSUPOVA, Beder Akhmetovna (21.12.1901, Orsk — 30.8.1969, Ufa), Actress, Theatrical and Public Figure. People’s Artist of the BASSR (1940), Merited Artist of the RSFSR (1944) and BASSR (1935). Awarded with the Order of the Red Banner of Labour (1955), Order of the Badge of Honour (1944). After graduation...

YUSUPOV Timer (Timerbay) Yusupovich
YUSUPOV Timer (Timerbay) Yusupovich; 31.5.1938, Posyolok Nizhne‑Absalyamovo of Mechetlinsky Raion of the BASSR, now Derevnya Nizhne‑Absalyamovo of Duvansky Raion of the RB, — 16.3.2016, Ufa). People’s poet of the RB (2003). Merited Cultural Sector Professional of the Russian Federation (1999)...

YUSUPOV, Rinat Mukhametovich
YUSUPOV, Rinat Mukhametovich (13.11.1951, Selo Isyangulovo of Zyanchurinsky Raion of the BASSR — 15.1.2011, Ufa), an Anthropologist, Ethnographer. Candidate of Historical Sciences (1982). Distinguished Worker of Culture of the RB (2003). Between 1975–77 and since 1980, he worked at the Institute...

YUSUPOV, Kasim Nazifovich
YUSUPOV, Kasim Nazifovich (b.26.11.1935 in Selo Syrysh‑Bashevo of Chekmagushevsky Raion of the BASSR, now Selo Syiryshbashevo of the same raion of the RB), Economist. Dr. of Economics (1985), Full Professor (1991). Merited Master of Sciences of the RF (2006), BASSR (1985), RT (2007), Merited Acad....

YURYUZAN, a river, a left‑tributary of the Ufa River. Length — 404 km, basin area — 7,240 thous. km2. The length in the territory of the RB is approx. 224 km. The river basin is divided into mountain part (from the source to Selo Maloyaz of Salavatsky Raion), located within the mountains and foothills...

YURYUZAN-AYSKAYA PLAIN (Priayskaya Plain), located in‑between Yuryuzan and Ai rivers. In the S it borders on Bashtash and Karatau ridges, in the W — on Ufa Plateau, the northern and eastern borders run along the RB border. Alt. in the W — 200—300 m, in the E — 300—450 m, abs. alt. — 517...

YURTOV, Avksentiy Filippovich
YURTOV, Avksentiy Filippovich [8.2.1854, Derevnya Kaleykino of Aktashevskaya Volost of Menzelinsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (Almetyevsky Raion of the RT) – 20.4.1916, Selo Andreyevka of Ufimsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub., now Selo Ilteryakovo of the Karmaskalinsky Raion of the RB], an Educator, Teacher, Ethnographer....

YURT, a portable dwelling of nomadic Turkic and Mongolian peoples. The Yu. of Turkic type (with a rolling dome) were mostly used by Bashkirs at the places of nomad camps; the Yu. of Mongolian type (with a conical top) were less common. The Yu. frame was made of wooden gratings (approx. 2.2 m long, 1.5...

YUNUSOVA (Idelbayeva), Gulfiya Aznagulovna
YUNUSOVA (Idelbayeva), Gulfiya Aznagulovna (b.10.9.1948, Derevnya Saryshevo of Alsheyevsky Raion of the BASSR). People’s poet of the RB (2015), Merited Cultural Sector Professional of the Russian Federation (2005) and BASSR (1989). Laureate of the Davletshina State Award of the RB (2006). Awarded...

YUNUSOV, Marat Sabirovich
YUNUSOV, Marat Sabirovich (b.18.3.1940 in Moscow), Chemist. Acad. of the RAS (2003), Merited Acad. of the AS RB (2016), D.Sci. (Chemical Sciences) (1974), Full Professor (1983). Graduated from the MSU (1962). Since 1990 he worked in the IOC (between 1994–2011 as Dir.), simultaneously, between 2006–11...

YUMATOVO, a health resort which utilizes climate and kumys therapies. Located in Ufimsky Raion of the RB, 30 km SW of Ufa, 5 km away from Yumatovo Railway Station. Opened in 1934. Between 1941–44 it hosted evacuation hospital No.2577. The centre specializes in the treatment of respiratory, digestive,...

YUMATOV, Vasily Stepanovich
YUMATOV, Vasily Stepanovich [? — 17.7.1848, Derevnya Yumatovo of Ufimsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub. (Ufimsky Raion of the RB)], a Local Historian. He served as the Judge of the Court of Ufimsky Uyezd, worked at Vedomosti of Orenburg Gubernia newspaper. His scientific activities were dedicated to archaeology,...