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“GENEROUS EVENING” is a Russian song choir of the musical college in Oktyabrskiy city. It was founded in 1993, received the title “national” in 2003, in 2020 – “Honored collective of ethnic art of RB”. Artistic Director –G.B. Khisayeva. The repertoire includes authentic Russian ethnic...

“GRAY EAGLE WITH WHITE SHOULDERS”, Bashkir ethnic naigrysh melody. Firstly registered by L.N.Lebedinskiy from G. Shamsutdinov in 1939 in Baymakskiy District, BASSR; the song is published in the “Bashkort khalk yirdary” collection by Z.G. Ismagilov. Naigrysh resembles dancing. Its performance...

“GEMS OF THE KAMA REGION” i s a f e s t i v a l o f e t h n i c c u l t u r e s o f t h e F i n n o- U g r i c e t h n i c i t i e s o f t h e R B. It has been held since 1991 in cities (Agidel, Birsk, Neftekamsk, Yanaul) and districts (Kaltasinsky, Krasnokamsky,...

GERMAN HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CENTER, public organization, branch of the House of Peoples’ Friendship. It was established in 1998 in the village Prishib in Blagovarsky district of the RB in order to revive and develop the ethnic culture of the Germans, organize cultural and educational activities...

GAME WITH PUSSY-WILLOW is one of the rituals that was a part of preparations for the Great day celebration. Its idea was to banish evil spir‑ its and forecast the weather. Mostly it was celebrated on the Saturday before Pussy-willow Sunday (Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian tradition). Mordovians...

“GUMEROV”, a Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. First registered by I.V. Saltykov in 1930 in the Avzelilovskiy District, BASSR. It is published in the “Bashkort khalk yirdary” col lection by Z.G. Ismagilov. The song is lyro-dramatic. According to the legend, the name of the song is...

“GULNAZIRA”, a Bashkir ethnic song, kyska-kuy. First registered by L.N. Lebedinskiy in 1938, published in the book “Bashkort khalk yirdary” by K.F. Akhmetov. It is a popu lar takmak. Bright intonation development, an original versestrophic form (verses have 3 beats to a measure, the chorus...

GILMIYAZA, a Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kyuy. First recorded by S.G. Rybakov in 1894, published in The Music and Songs of Ural Muslims with an Essay of Their Everyday Life book. The legend and lyrics of the song were recorded by M.A. Burangulov in the 1920s. Presumably, G. was created in the...

GIBADULLIN Minnitagir Gibadullinovich
GIBADULLIN Minnitagir Gibadullinovich (according to other sources, Gibadatov Tagir Gibatovich; 29.12.1898–19.4.1982), provider of folklore. Participant of the First World War, the Civil War and the Bashkir Movement. Skilled speaker. In the 1970s, G. providedA.M. Suleymanov with about 30 works to be...

GATA ISKHAKI (real name Iskhakov Ataulla Kamaletdinovich; 11.8.1835–12.12. 1942), folklorist, teacher, musicologist. He collected Tatar folk songs and fairy tales. Compiler of the collection “Music notebook” (1913; 1917, co-authored with V. Sultanov). One of the develop ers of the technique...

GASKAROV Fayzi Adgamovich
GASKAROV Fayzi Adgamovich (21.10. 1912–18.6.1984), ballet master, dancer. The first professional Bashkir dancer, the founder of the stage dance art of Bashkortostan, the creator of the classical repertoire of the Bashkir dance stage. Founder and artistic director (1939–70) of F. Gaskarov...

GALYAMSHIN Renat Biktimirovich
GALYAMSHIN Renat Biktimirovich (b. 28.2. 1949), public figure. Originator of the Ethnic Cultural Center of the Udmurts of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Chairman since 1996, Honorary Chairman since 2015) and newspaper “Oshmes” (“Springlet”). He made a significant contribution to the...

GALINA Gulnaz Salavatovna
GALINA Gulnaz Salavatovna (b. 3.2.1961), musicologist, methodology teacher. Candidate of Philology (1998). Her research is devoted to the formation and development of various genres of Bashkir professional and folk music, including the study of beyets and munazhats; the works of composers Kh.F....

GALIN Salavat Akhmadievich
GALIN Salavat Akhmadievich (3.3.1934–29.3. 2010), folklorist, educator-methodologist. Doctor of Philology (1995), Professor (1995). His research is devoted to the history of Bashkir folklore, the study of folklore genres and images, and the classics of Bashkir literature. Author of more than 200...

GALIMOV Salyam (real name Galimov Salyam Galimovich; 18.1.1911–19.7.1939), poet, translator, publicist. G. penned the versions of the epics “Babsak and Kusyak”, “Kuzy-kurpyas and Mayankhylu”, “Kungur-buga” and other works of Bashkir folklore. Authorcompiler...

GALIEVA Farida Gabdulkhayevna
GALIEVA Farida Gabdulkhayevna (b. 18.12. 1962), folklorist. Doctor of Philology (2007). Her research is devoted to the ethnography and folklore of the East Slavic and Turkic peoples of the Southern Urals, in particular, the study of folklore traditions of the Russian and Bashkir in Bashkortostan in...

GAYSINA Fanira Faskhetdinovna
GAYSINA Fanira Faskhetdinovna (b. 8.7. 1973), folklorist. Candidate of Philology (2013). Her research is devoted to the ideas, themes, and functions of prohibitions in Bashkir folk art, including the epics “Akbuzat” and “Ural-Batyr”, mythology and religious folk lore of the Bashkirs. Author...

GAYNULLINA Asiya Sultanovna
GAYNULLINA Asiya Sultanovna (b.3.9.1955), a carrier of folklore. Performer of munazhats, drawling songs; skilled throat singer (uzmyau), author of a number of kubairs. The founder of the only sesen school in Bashkortostan, the organizer and head of the public organization “Agineider koro” (“Society...

GAINETDINOV Yulay Ishbuldovich
GAINETDINOV Yulay Ishbuldovich (b.8.1. 1954, Selo Verkhnetavlykayevo of Baimaksky Raion of the BASSR), Kurai Player. People’s Artist of the RB (1994), Merited Worker of Culture of the RF (2003) and BASSR (1988). Laureate of the RB State Award named after Salavat Yulayev (2002). After the graduating...

GAINETDINOV Yulay Ishbuldovich
GAINETDINOV Yulay Ishbuldovich (b.8.1. 1954, Selo Verkhnetavlykayevo of Baimaksky Raion of the BASSR), Kurai Player. People’s Artist of the RB (1994), Merited Worker of Culture of the RF (2003) and BASSR (1988). Laureate of the RB State Award named after Salavat Yulayev (2002). After the graduating...