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Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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“SQUADRON”, Bashkir ethnic song, khalmak-kuy. It was registered by G.Z. Suleymanov from Kharis Khakimov in 1929 in the 2nd Trukhmenevo village, Zilairskiy canton BASSR (now 2nd Turkmenevo, Baymakskiy District, RB). The lyrics are published in “Bashkir ethnic art” (1st v., 1954). The lyrics and...


SHURALE is a demon in Bashkir mythology. It appears in bylichkas. It looks like a human-like creature with horns and long fingers with sharp (copper) nails or as a woman with ginger hair, hanging breasts and backward feet, or sometimes as a log or tree. It lives in forests, mountains, on the riverbanks....

SHUNKAROV Nigmat Dinakhmetovich

SHUNKAROV Nigmat Dinakhmetovich (1.1. 1931–4.3.1994), folklorist. Author of more than 50 publications devoted to Bashkir folk music, sesen storytellers, ritual folklore, etc. Sh. penned the versions of the epic “Alpamysha and Barsynhylu”, “Babsak and Kusyak”, “Zayatulyak and Khyukhylu”,...


SHUMBAY is a folklore character from Bashkir fairytales. It is a collective image of a cunning liar. The same-titled fairytale tells about S. He is a joker trying to appear like a crank: bay’s wife forbids her husband to employ the person named S., but S. makes the bay to break the prohibition by...


SHULGAN, is Bashkir mythological image. He is the elder son of Yanbirde and Yanbike in the “Ural-batyr” epic (see First ancestor), the brother antagonist of Ural-batyr. These people used to be immortal as were the Gods of upper world Samrau, Koyash (the Sun), Ay (the Moon), Khumay. There was a sacred...


 “SHULDYR ZHYT” (“Merry evening”), Udmurt folklore ensemble of the inter-settlement cultural and leisure center of the village Novye Tatyshly in Tatyshly district of RB. Established in 1991. In 2000 it was titled “People’s”. The ensemble performs folklore compositions “Easter”, “Housewarming”,...

SHUGAYUPOV Vakil Shakirovich

SHUGAYUPOV Vakil Shakirovich (29.8.1936 in Selo Alkino, Salavatsky Raion of the BASSR – 28.6.2017 in Ufa, buried in his homeland) was a master of the national musical instruments production. Graduated from Kazan Art School in 1963. In 1976, Sh. was the first in the RB, who developed the technology...

SHITOVA Svetlana Nikolayevna

SHITOVA Svetlana Nikolayevna (b.12.2. 1936, Stalingrad), an ethnographer. Candidate of Historical Sciences (1968). Distinguished Worker of Culture of the RB (2003). After graduating from Moscow State University (1958) until 2006, she worked at the Institute of History,  Language and Literature. Her...


“SIX YEGETS”, Bashkir ethnic song, kyska-kuy. The variants of “S.y.” were registered by S.G. Rybakov in 1893 in Tashbulatovo village, Verhkneuralskiy District and published in “Music and songs of the Ural Muslims and their household description”. The melody has a dancing nature and square...


SHEZHERE is a genealogical history of a tribe, clan, family. There are nominal S. (generational enumeration of the names of relatives in the male line from the founder of the clan or from the compiler) and narrative S. (which include information about the historical events, people, documentary texts,...


“SHEVLE” (Summer lightning), Chuvash folk ensemble of the Suukchishma rural culture house, Karmaskaly district of RB. It was founded in 1967 by O.M. Vasilyeva. In 2003 it was titled “People’s”. The ensemble consists of 2 groups: adult and children. Adult members of the ensemble perform in...


“SHAFIK”, is a Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. Registered by G.Z. Suleymanov in 1938 in Temyasovo village, Baymakskiy District, BASSR from A. Karimov and published in “Bashkir ethnic art” (1st v., 1954). The lyrics and notes were registered by N.D. Shunkarov from Y.F. Akmurzin in 1965 in Blyavtamak...


SHAMANISM (from the Evenk language shaman, saman – exited, ecstatic person) is one of the earliest forms of religion based on the idea that a shaman (priest of the cult) communicates with the spirits during kamlaniye singing (mystical action). It is connected with animism, magic, totemism, fetishism;...

SHAKUROVA Shaura Rashitovna

SHAKUROVA Shaura Rashitovna (b. 10.12. 1967), folklorist, screenwriter, playwright. Candidate of Philology (1998). Her research is devoted to the problems of Bashkir epic studies, mythology, and textology. Author of more than 40 research papers. Sh.’s novel “Let the wind carry my words away...”...

SHAKUROV Rashit Zakirovich

SHAKUROV Rashit Zakirovich (b. 11.1. 1937), linguist, poet. Doctor of Philology (1998), Professor (2012). His research is devoted to the problems of Bashkir linguistics, literary studies, folklore, toponymy, dialectology. Author of more than 400 research papers. Sh. wrote out the versions of the epics...


SHAYTAN is an evil spirit in Bashkir mythology, relates to the jinn category. They can look like humans or other living creatures. According to certain beliefs, they live in yurts with their families, according to other beliefs – in caves in groups. They emit fire from their mouths while sleeping....


“SHAGIBARAK”, is a Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. It was first written down by S.G. Rybakov in 1894 from Abdrakhman Davletov in Yuluk village of Orskiy District of Orenburgskaya region (current Baymakskiy District, RB) and published in “Music and songs of the Ural Muslims and their household description”...


SESEN CENTER o f t h e R e p u b l i c o f B a s h k o r t o s t a n was established in 2015 at the center of folk art in order to develop folklore, revive sesen art, and tell-tale art. S.C. holds various competitions and folklore festivals devoted to the anniversaries of well-known sesens, etc. At...


“SYABRY” (“Friends”), a Belorusian song ensemble of the Baltic rural multifunctional club in Iglino district of Bashkortostan. Organized in 1996 by the honored worker of culture of RB A.N. Kharitonov. In 2001 it was titled “People’s”. The band’s repertoire includes Belorusian folk songs:...


SESEN (presumably from Mong. tsetsen – wise), a poet and improviser among the Bashkirs; a storyteller. S. performed their works in a recitative manner (often accompanied by the dumbyra musical instrument). Their Golden age was the period of the 16–18th centuries. Famous S.: Kubagush-sesen, Yeranse­sesen,...