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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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LAMENT is a genre of family-household ritual  folklore,  performed  when  a  person  is leaving the native house. It exists in folklore of many peoples. Its origin and functions are close to the genre of lamentation. There are wedding, funeral-commemoration L. connected with the ancient beliefs...


LAMENTATION is a genre of family-household ritual  folklore  performed  usually  when a person is departing this life and at his funeral. It is also performed during a rite of passage (seeing off a bride, a soldier, etc.; see Laments). Its origin is connected with the magic of laments, ritual collective...


“LAYSAN”, folk dance ensemble at Uchaly Mining and Processing Plant. It was created in 1964 at the culture house of the state farm “Bayramgulovskiy”; it has had its current status since 2005. In 1972, it earned the title “People’s”; in 2013, it became an honored folk­art team of the Russian...


“LYUBIZAR”, a Bashkir ethnik song, kyska-kyuy. The song’s lyrics were first recorded by F.K.Tuykin in the 1910s. The L. appearance is connected with the events of the Patriotic War of 1812 and Foreign Campaigns of the Russian army of 1813–14. According to the legend, after one of the great battles...


LITERATURE AND FOLKLORE. The relationship of L. and F. are complex and multifaceted. Writers applied oral ethnic art at every stage  of  literature  development.  Studying  art folklore makes national literature develop in its own way. The writers use quotes and borrow ethnic styles and, moreover,...

LEPYOKHIN Ivan Ivanovich

LEPYOKHIN Ivan Ivanovich (10.9.1740, St. Petersburg – 6.4.1802, Ibid.), Traveller, Ethnographer. Acad. of the Academy of Sciences and Arts (1771). Leader of Academic expeditions of 1768–74. He described the structure of summer nomad camps of Bashkirs, the methods of cooking meat (bishbarmak, salma)...


LEGEND is a short oral fantastic folklore story that claims to be true. The motifs and images of L. often originate from myths in Bashkortostan peoples’ folklore (see Myths). There are types of L.: 1) cosmogonic – about the creation of the world and space bodies [Bashk.: “Two ducks that created...

LEBEDINSKIY Lev Nikolayevich

LEBEDINSKIY Lev Nikolayevich (5.11. 1904–21.11.1992), musicologist, folklorist. His research papers are devoted to the musical folklore of the peoples of the USSR, the works of domestic composers, theoretical problems of musical performance, etc. He made a significant contribution to the collection...

LACH Robert

LACH Robert (29.1.1874–11.9.1958), musicologist, composer. His research papers are devoted to comparative musicology, music history, ethnomusicology, and psychology. Author of “Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft” (1924), “Studien zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der ornamentalen Melopöie” (1913),...


LATVIAN HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CENTER, public organization, branch of the House of Peoples’ Friendship. It was created  in  2006  in  the  village Maxim Gorky in Arkhangelsky district of the RB in order to safeguard and develop the native language and literature, folklore, customs and traditions...


“LULLABY”, Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. The legend and a variant of the song were first registered by K.M. Diyarov in 1972 in Kugarchinskiy District from M. Suleymanova and published in the book “Sal Uraldyn Mondary” (1988). The song is lyro­dramatic. According to the legend, it was composed...


LIVING STANDARDS, a comprehensive indicator, characterizing the degree of satisfaction of physical, spiritual, and material needs of the social groups or population of a certain country or a region. It is determined by income, the total volume of consumed material goods and services per capita (including...


LABOUR RESOURCES, population of working age (except disabled persons and persons receiving pension on preferential terms), working citizens of retirement age and adolescents, foreign labor migrants. In Bashkortostan, as well as in the RF generally, there are aging L.r. (an increase in the share of the...


LIFTING DEVICES, lifting machines used for vertical or inclined lifting or lowering people and/or cargoes by means of special devices (carriages, cabins, cages, shovels, platforms, skips, trolleys, etc.) suspended on ropes or chains, or moving along rigid vertical (rarely inclined) guides or rails....


LENIN  BREEDING  PLANT,  ООО. Specializes in breeding cattle of black and white, Bestuzhevskaya breeds. The company maintains a genetic pool. Located in Dyurtyulinsky Raion, the central farm is in Selo Sukkulovo. The number of cattle of Bestuzhevskaya breed — 900 (incl. 310 cows); the average...


LEECHES (Hirudinea), a class of annelids. There are 3 orders knows with about 400 species, spread in seas and freshwaters all over the globe. In the RB there are 14 species of hemipterus and gnathobdellid L. orders. They have a flat, rarely cylindrical body, with length range of 0.2–15.0 cm, with...


LAKES, natural reservoirs with slow water exchange and coastal zone profile, developed under the impact of wind waves and current. Morphometric characteristics: surface area, volume, depth, length, width, indentation of shoreline, configuration of lake basin, etc. Bashkir Pre‑Urals are represented...


LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT, a system, in which the population of an administrative territorial unit independently manages the affairs (directly or through elected bodies) within the limits of the rights established by the state. Within the tribe or clan, the Bashkirs’ Local Self‑Government was administered...


LAND SURVEY, a complex of government events in Russia in the 2nd half of the 18th–early 20th centuries, aimed at the lands fund description and mapping, and the establishment and legal registration of land holding borders (ref. Land Policy). The General L.s. in the Orenburg Gub. was executed in 2...

LYAPINA, Nafisa Kabirovna

LYAPINA, Nafisa Kabirovna (b.15.12.1933 in Derevnya Sakhaevo of Karmaskalinsky Raion of the BASSR), Petrochemist. Associate Member of the AS RB (1995), D.Sci. (Chemical Sciences) (1983), Full Professor (1986). Merited Master of Sciences of the BASSR (1976). Awarded with the Order of the Badge of Honour...